Xie Lingye didn't need to read it. Just through the news and the girl's reaction, she knew that this was a very silly girl.

A stupid glance made people feel uncomfortable.

Xie Lingye is strong enough, so he doesn't care what the status of Hua Jingxun is now.

What's more, if you let Hua Jingxun continue to stay in the Duanmu family, or exist as the Duanmu family's young grandmother, the girl may be killed unconsciously.

As Hua Jingxun said, she didn't want to die.

Since she didn't want to die, he would naturally take her out of that place.

It was the man's reaction that made Hua Jing stunned.

He was just a word, a very plain answer, as if there was no change in mood.

Hua Jingxun was shocked.

Does he know, or does he care?

Either way, Hua Jingxun feels that this man's inner strength is shocking.

Hua Jingxun's heart trembled, "You... don't you care?"

Xie Lingye did not answer, but raised her eyebrows and asked: "Do you still want to stay with the Duanmu family?"

Thinking of the Duanmu family and their ruthlessness, Hua Jingxun's face was instantly white, and she shook her head without hesitation, "I don't want to."

Even if she is stupid, she will not return to the Duanmu family, nor will she die.

On the contrary, she will not let go of the Duanmu family.

Including those killers, definitely related to the Duanmu family.

Unable to use, let her know their news, they will kill her mouth.


She is very stupid, but she is not so stupid.

Xie Lingye looked at Hua Jingxun's look, and she seemed to know her psychological changes. "Since you don't want to, then promise yourself, I will keep you safe, and even help you find your mother and help you get revenge."

At this moment, Xie Lingye narrowed his smile and looked at Hua Jingxun seriously.

The light in Xie Lingye's eyes lingered deep, and you could not see the end, but the heart of the person who was able to hook was trembling.

Hua Jingxun felt that her soul was caught by such eyes.

He... he knew everything, what she was thinking about.

This man is so scary that Hua Jingxun is actually timid.

Such a noble and powerful man made her instinctively toxic, but what he said was so tempting.

Also, if this is the case, can't she die?

She missed her mother very much, and wanted to miss it.

Even if you can’t get revenge, you can look at your mother before you die.

She is stupid, sorry mother.

Hua Jingxun's tears all circulated in her eyes, but she stubbornly forced the tears back.

Xie Lingye has been looking at the flowers quietly, so her look fell on his eyes.

His heart sighed imperceptibly, and it was really a stubborn girl, who was stubborn and wondered what to do with her.

Hua Jingxun gritted her teeth and said, "I want to get stronger and avenge myself."

"Okay, help you become stronger."

Hua Jingxun looked at the man's reaction and froze.

He is so good to talk, so good tempered?

It didn't seem strange that she said anything.

Xie Lingye looked at Huan Xun with a smile, and waited quietly for her to continue.

"There is anything else to say, you can say it, and I can help you meet."

Hua Jingxun's head was blank, stunned, and shook his head. "That's all."

She was never greedy. From the earliest times, she wanted to have a family and treat her mother well.

Now, she can only find her mother as soon as possible, and then become stronger and revenge.

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