Hua Jingxun watched tears drop in the bowl, embarrassed not knowing what to do, and wished to lower his head to the bowl.

Xie Lingye was originally taking care of Hua Jingxun's meal, so Hua Jingxun had any movements and strange things that Xie Lingye could see.

Even if she lowered her head so low, it almost made her expression hard to see.

But Xie Lingye saw all her shoulders and her tears fell.

Xie Lingye has never encountered such a fragile woman who had to be strong.

The sisters at home and the women around are not like this.

Hua Jingxun has a feeling of being distressed.

"why cry?"

Hua Jingxun heard Xie Lingye's doubts and shook her head, "No."

She wanted to force the tears back, but she couldn't.

Because she could hear it, Xie Lingye was concerned about her in her tone.

She couldn't help thinking when she was in the Duanmu family. At that time, she was crying, and those people were impatient, especially Duanmu Qinghen would be tired of saying, what to cry, who to cry to.

So later she would not cry even if she was painful or sad.

But now, she found that her heart was still very fragile, and it would still be touched when she was concerned.

She could speak indifferently to those of the Duanmu family, but when she felt the warmth, she couldn't help crying.

Xie Lingye really didn't understand why Hua Jingxun cried so much.

He had never seen a woman before, so he didn't know much about women's thoughts.

Xie Lingye thought of her sister at home. When they were unwilling to eat when they were young, he also lowered his voice to coax.

As if coaxing, they are still willing to eat.

Xie Lingye's expression moved, and lowered his voice, "Is the food not tasty? Tell me what you want to eat, and I will let someone prepare it."

Xie Lingye's voice was originally low-alcohol and good-looking, so lowering the soft voice is even more exciting and makes people unable to parry.

He is already charming, especially for people like Hua Jingxun who have never been warmed, and are most easily impressed.

Hua Jingxun could feel that when she faced Xie Lingye, her heart was out of control.

But she was afraid of being injured, and she couldn't bear it anymore.

She must control her heart.

She doesn't let herself think about it, the only thing she wants to do is find her mother.

Hua Jingxun wiped tears vigorously, she was so daunted to look at Xie Lingye.

"No, it's delicious."

As if to prove that her words were true, Hua Jingxun bowed his head and ate the food in the bowl.

But before waiting for her to eat, Xie Lingye had taken her bowl away, replaced her with a new bowl, and cooked her dishes again.

"Eat these!"

She had so many tears that she could not eat.

Hua Jingxun couldn't help looking at Xie Lingye, and met his deep eyes.

He felt a little pain in his eyes, as if still worried, and gentle...

Many emotions.

Hua Jingxun didn't know if she had misread it. Such eyes made her drunk.

Let her feel if she is also cared for by others.

Let her lonely heart feel a little warm.

The world is too cold. She feels too much coldness. Sometimes, she doesn't know why she insists on living.

But Xie Lingye met today, suddenly made her feel that it is right to live.

Maybe you can live to see the beauty.

To see such a person.

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