After realizing what he actually said, Hua Jingxun's face burst into heat.

She hurriedly lowered her head.

Hua Jingxun twisted her hands together because she was nervous.

She didn't pay attention because of this sentence, the cold breath of Xie Lingye's whole body dissipated and became softer.

Hua Jingxun's words are natural, as if his wife is waiting for her husband to return home.

Let Xie Lingye's breath all soften, and his expression soothed.

Xie Lingye's eyes were very picturesque, gentle, and even drowned.

Xie Lingye seems to know what is anxious in Hua Jingxun's heart, he said: "Some news tells you, I don't know if you can accept it."

Hua Jingxun raised his head and said: "I have experienced even life and death, and I am not afraid of anything. I want to know, you tell me."

"Okay, sit down and talk slowly."

Hua Jingxun followed Xie Lingye on the table next to her, and then she looked at Xie Lingye without missing any of his looks.

She wants to know more news.

Although Hua Jingxun wanted to ask questions one by one, but she held back, she waited for Xie Lingye to tell her what she could know.

"The first news is that the person who assassinated you that night was arranged by the Su family. The old lady of the Duanmu family participated in it. As for Duanmu Qingshen..."

Xie Lingye didn't know what kind of words to tell Hua Jingxun to be more appropriate.

Hua Jingxun smiled bitterly and said, "He also knew it was a fatal assassination. Even if he didn't participate in it, he wouldn't stop it if he knew it?"

Xie Lingye looked at Hua Jingxun's bitter smile and sighed. This is actually a very smart girl. I don't know why he was so stupid before.

In fact, Xie Ling did not know that in a society where the strongest respected her, when a woman had no choice but to find strength to shelter herself, she could only bear it.

Because Hua Jingxun had no identity background, she could not consolidate her strength, and her mother was sick again. To her, Duanmu Qingjian was willing to protect her with the Duanmu family, and she didn’t think much about it.

But I didn't think that they had any purpose. When they finally couldn't get Xuan Ling Tower, they did not hesitate to kill her without hesitation.

No wonder, many times before, when Duanmu Qingjian was gentle with her, she would ask her if she had any dowry, and if there were any important things left by her parents.

She also said that she should take it to the Duanmu family to save it.

It turned out that it was for Xuan Ling Tower.

Thinking, Hua Jingxun has a feeling of clenching teeth.

What the Duanmu family has done to her, she will not forget, she wants revenge.

"I want revenge."

"Don't worry, I suspect that your mother's illness is also related to them. You don't think your mother was originally good. Why did you suddenly get sick? Sometimes when you are confused, you don't even know it?"

According to the information and information found, Xie Lingye initially judged this way, but he is almost certain, but because Hua Jingxun's mother has not yet found it, there is not enough evidence.

Hearing this, Hua Jingxun could no longer calm down, and she stood up suddenly.

Her eyes twitched and her lips twitched. She couldn't believe it. "Mother...mother's illness is also related to them?"

She never thought that her mother's illness was related to them.

The mother was really good, and suddenly fell ill, what the neighbor said was stimulated.

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