Xie Lingye used this method to personally feed the flowers.

When Xie Lingye's lips were pasted with flower-smoked lips, Xie Lingye stiffened and felt a rush of electric current.

The touch under his lips was so clear and so obvious. The soft and sweet feeling made him feel a bit reluctant to remove it.

The beautiful feeling made waves ripple in his heart.

Xie Lingye's body was stiff and there was no further action. He saw that the medicine was almost in his mouth before he recovered.

He had not been in contact with a woman before the flowers were smoked, which was also why he did not want to be in contact.

But when faced with flowers, he found that he would feel differently in his heart.

He knew clearly that Hua Jingxun would affect him.

Not only because of the day's events, but because of her stubbornness, and that she felt a unique feeling in him.

Xie Lingye stabilized her mind, and then her lips moved slightly, her teeth gently knocked on her, and he passed the medicine to her mouth.

This panacea is a top-ranking panacea with a mellow fragrance

Hua Jingxun even subconsciously felt a sweetness even when she was lethargic, as well as a familiar breath, so elegantly intoxicated her.

She opened her mouth unconsciously, and then hooked the medicine at the tip of her tongue, as if the child was eating sugar, greedy for more sweetness.

So when Xie Lingye was about to withdraw, Hua Jingxun's tongue seemed to stick to it, entangled with it and would not let him leave.

Xie Lingye didn't expect this to happen at all.

He thought Hua Jingxun woke up, but when he looked down, Hua Jingxun was still in a lethargic state, still asleep with his eyes closed, and did not wake up.

He looked at her face so close, but only felt that today's flower-smoked skin is as snowy as jade, with a luster, and a feeling of glamorous allure.

I didn't expect her body to change so quickly after washing the bones and cutting the marrow. The previous dullness was gone.

In fact, the most superficial effect of bone washing is also beauty.

Hua Jingxun greedily swallowed the Elixir, Xie Lingye trembles all over, and that feeling is getting stronger and stronger.

His eyes were dark, and when it was uncontrollable, he stepped back.

Xie Lingye's breath is slightly heavy, but his self-control is always strong, and he quickly adjusts his emotions.

After Hua Jingxun absorbed the Elixir, a pure force began to wander through the meridians, as if repairing the meridians, and as if a little bit exciting the blood power in her body.

Xie Lingye was standing beside him, and no one was disturbed.

As time passed, Xie Lingye saw that there was a faint transparent light flashing around Hua Jingxun's body.

Xie Lingye carefully observed, then narrowed his eyes.

In fact, Hua Jingxun's own system is very good, but some blood power is imprisoned.

Now that she has been released from imprisonment, her body is tempered after washing her bones.

Although she may be cultivating later than others, but if she strengthens, she will become stronger, and not generally strong.

Xie Lingye believes that Hua Jingxun will do better.

Girls who have suffered too much are actually more likely to have a tough character and easy to forge.

Although Xie Lingye will also be distressed by Hua Jingxun, as Hua Jingxun said, in Zhongzhou mainland, if you want to gain a foothold, you still have to be strong, and the strong are the most respected.

He can protect the flowers from static smoke, but this woman should not want to make dodder flowers.

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