Hua Jingxun shook his hand, and could feel a different strength, as if it had profound strength in his palm.

After being powerful, the feeling of killing the enemy in a second gives Hua Jingxun a very happy feeling inside.

Hua Jingxun looked down at Lin Luya.

I used to feel forbearance in front of her, but now looking at her like this, I just feel that I am not qualified to let her do it.

Lin Luya shivered in pain on the ground, but she widened her eyes and looked at the flowers in disbelief.

This... Is this really a flower?

Or is she wrong? This is not her at all.

But she is sure that this is a quiet flower, but there are many differences.

This woman was so cruel!

However, Lin Luya shivered.

She now has an instinctive fear of Hua Jingxun.

She was scared.

After Hua Jingxun watched Xie Lingye drive out, she was not prepared to delay time.

She squatted down quickly and said in front of Lin Luya: "I know you are Su Xiulan's follower, flattering with her beside her. At the same time, you also look down on me. Now, I'm lazy with you nonsense, you appear in me Once in front of me, I beat you once. As for Su Xiulan, Su family, and Duanmu family, I will never let it go. Since I am still alive, I will report it to you. If you can live, then watch Right!"

At this moment, Lin Luya didn't know what happened, she even saw a kind of momentum above Hua Jingxun over everyone.

Really noble.

It is the kind of dignity and nobleness revealed in the bones, not built up with family background.


Many people on the street, looking at the lively, are completely unresponsive, and petrified for a long time, and they have not recovered.

Is this...really really a flower?

Is that a flower that cannot be cultivated at all, without any ability?

But what they saw was not like that.

This flower is very strong!

It really has the feeling of killing people with one shot!

She... she is a strong man!

Such a strong man, need to steal something in the Duanmu family?

Such a strong family can go to Zhongzhou City, the most powerful Zhongzhou City, and it is likely to be enrolled by senior colleges.

The resources there are very good, there is no baby, used to steal things from the Duanmu family.

Perhaps even the Duanmu family didn't know that Hua Jingxun is so strong now.

They didn't know that Hua Jingxun survived and became stronger. He was not a person who couldn't cultivate.

If you really know, the Duanmu family is really being beaten by themselves!

So at this moment, many people began to doubt what the Duanmu family said.

The other people did not die at all, they lived well, and they were very capable.

Someone has seen the flower static smoke before, but at that time, the flower static smoke was really beautiful, and there was no temperament.

Today's flowers are quietly in the eyes of others, at first glance it is very noble.

So everyone thinks that it was the Duanmu family who abused Hua Jingxun to make Hua Jingxun look so haggard before.


As for the thoughts of watching the lively people, Hua Jingxun will not care. How others think and think, and what to do with her, she only needs to care about the thoughts of her closest person.

Hua Jingxun saw Xie Lingye drive out, and after she got out of the car, her breath suddenly softened.

Her brows were tender.

She quickly walked in front of Xie Lingye, and she became a little clever.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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