At this moment, when leaning in this arms, Hua Jingxun not only tightened his body, but also breathed slightly.

She felt that this embrace was magical to her, making her seem to want nothing, only Xie Lingye in front of her.

Even breathing her breathed his breath.

Just such an elegant and nice smell made her unable to resist, and there was an intoxicating and sensational feeling.

Hua Jingxun looked up at Xie Lingye, and when he met his eyes, she seemed to have forgotten what time and place at once, only immersed in the deep vortex in his eyes.

In fact, Xie Lingye just wanted to hold Hua Jingxun for a while.

But when the flowers were quietly smoked with clear and hazy eyes, his heart became very soft. If it was not the wrong occasion, he would really do something.

At this time, Xie Lingye just gently smoothed the scattered hair for Hua Jingxun, "Are you tired?"

When you are not sure if you are right to kill or kill like that, when you may care about the view in this person's eyes, his words warm you instantly.

That's the sentence, ask if you are tired, you can heal a person's heart in an instant.


Hua Jingxun felt that his heart was beating fast and skipped a beat.

Her heart was hot, and she had a hot feeling.

Hua Jingxun recalled, took a deep breath, stabilized his mind, then shook his head, ""

At this time, Hua Jingxun's sight was only Xie Lingye, and he naturally forgot where he is now.


The people on the street are not only petrified, but their eyes are really glaring.

Did they see it wrong or did they dazzle?

How could they not believe that the young grandma of the Duanmu family was with this man?

This is... this is derailed.

Some women were jealous of Hua Jingxun and began to pick their heads, saying: "It's really disobedient and shameless. As the young grandmother of the Duanmu family, she even hooked up with other men."

"Indeed, it's too shameful! I stole the Duanmu family's things and escaped. It turned out that I was with someone else, because this person is stronger than Master Duanmu and rich?"

"What character does this woman have?"


When Hua Jingxun heard these words, the blood on his face faded away.

She looked around and bit her lips, so she knew what occasion was here?

Xie Lingye heard these words and narrowed her eyes dangerously, "Noisy!"

With that, he made a gesture in the air, and the two shadow guards appeared in an instant, and then the women who had just picked up their heads were suddenly taken out of the lift and pressed against the ground.


The mouths of the two women whom the two shadow guards mercilessly swollen were all swollen, and they could not see at all, and they were still bleeding, showing how cruel it was to shoot!

Why is this man and Hua Jingxun so cruel?

The street was very quiet, and no one dared to speak anymore, only to hear the crackling of the face and the shouting cry.

Later the shouts disappeared, and those people were stunned, and their mouths were still swollen and bleeding again.

Many people were afraid of Xie Lingye at once, and felt that this man seemed so precious and elegant, in fact, he was a devil in his heart!

It's cruel to shoot!

Xie Lingye then took out a piece of paper for everyone to see clearly.

"The Duanmu family framed and humiliated Hua Jingxun, and even killed her. The Duanmu family was not benevolent. This is Hua Jingxun's resignation book, and the document book of the Zhongzhou Continental Alliance. Everyone can see it clearly."

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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