Whatever the background of Hua Jingxun, but this time, Hua Jingxun really hit those people with his own ability.

No matter what the outsider thinks, Lin Luya realizes that in the future, no one may really be able to quit.

Regardless of her background, this honorable man alone has a terrible feeling.

As soon as the man spoke, he could reverse everyone's evaluation of Hua Jingxun.

Look, the people around are squirming for the flowers, all satire at Duanmu family!

I don’t know what happened to the Duanmu family and the Su family.

Lin Luya was beaten this time but realized the fact that this flower was quietly smoked.

Xie Lingye and Hua Jingxun will not spend too much time. After Xie Lingye took Hua Jingxun into the car, she drove towards Hua Jingxun's hometown.

Xie Lingye drove, let Hua Jingxun rest first.

"Sleep, wait until I call you."

Hua Jingxun blinked, "You know the way?"

She didn't tell Xie Lingye before, where was her hometown and where did she live.

Xie Lingye smiled, "If you know the road, don't worry about anything, go to sleep."

Hua Jingxun was really tired. The car drove very steady. She sat in the car and slept slowly.

She felt really relaxed with Xie Lingye.

She almost didn't need to think about anything, Xie Lingye could think of everything for her, and she was very relaxed.

Xie Lingye drove the car very steady. In the evening, the car entered the rural road.

Even if the country road is very uneven, Xie Lingye opened it very steady, and did not wake up Hua Jingxun.

The car parked in front of a house in the village. Xie Lingye looked at the house in front of her and thought, Is this the place where Hua Jingxun once lived?

Although he has never been to such a place, but maybe it is related to Hua Jingxun, he will feel a little intimate.

Xie Lingye watched Hua Jingxun sleep just right, he continued to turn on the air conditioner in the car, could not bear to wake her up, and waited quietly.

In fact, when the car is driving slowly, Hua Jingxun feels the same frequency and can fall asleep.

When the car actually stopped, she still felt it.

When she opened her eyes, she just met Xie Lingye's gentle eyes, and she blinked.

"Woke up?"

Hua Jingxun looked outside and was home?

At this moment, her heart jumped suddenly, and there was a feeling of cowardice near home.

Mother is not at home, she has never dared to come back and see it by herself.

But now it feels different, and now Xie Lingye is back with her.

It seems to feel at ease.

"After a while, why don't you wake me up?"

Xie Lingye smiled gently, "Looking at how well you sleep, you are not willing to wake you up."

This is the truth of Xie Lingye.

But as everyone knows, such words are so precious to Hua Jingxun, so good.

It turned out that she could really be cherished and treated like this.

Hua Jingxun didn't know where the courage came from. He gently approached Xie Lingye, then wrapped him up and kissed the corner of his lips.

When doing all of this, Hua Jingxun encouraged the courage and blushed.

Xie Lingye touched the head of Hua Jingxun lovingly.

In fact, looking at Hua Jingxun once lived in such a small village and house, he was distressed.

But he cannot participate in her past, but can give her a better future.

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