Hua Jingxun knew that she listened to these words, and she felt at ease in her heart.

Although I don’t know why Xie Lingye chose her, she was by Xie Lingye, she really had no sense of security, very at ease, and she was still very happy.

Hua Jingxun took a deep breath in Xie Lingye's arms, slightly raised the corner of his mouth, and said nothing.

Xie Lingye looked at the girl without speaking, looked down at her movements like a kitten, and smiled helplessly.

At this moment, his heart was soft and cheerful.

Is this the feeling brought by feelings?

It's different from all the feelings I experienced before.

Thinking, Xie Lingye's arms tightened and tightened, and he didn't want to let go.

The two held for a while, and Hua Jingxun said, "Will you leave?"

When saying this, Hua Jingxun was also courageous. She was cautiously afraid to breathe, staring closely at Xie Lingye, wanting to see his look, and wanting to listen to him.

She didn't dare to have other ideas before, but now she knows that she is free, and she also knows how she feels about Xie Lingye, so she can't help but ask what she is worried about.

Xie Lingye looked at Hua Jingxun's little girl and sighed helplessly.

What a silly girl, what can I do if I am fooled?

Fortunately, he is here, he will protect her, and prevent her from being hurt again.

Xie Lingye reached out to stroke Hua Jingxun's eyebrows, "Fool, no, even if you want to leave here, you must be taken away."

Such a sentence, let Hua Jingxun's heart fell suddenly, and a lot of stability.

In fact, she really did not know where Xie Lingye came from, did not know his true identity, plus she felt the change of her inner feelings, so she was uneasy.

With this sentence, her heart was firm, and there was a warmth.

She could feel that she was being cherished.

I haven't experienced this feeling before, so I don't know whether it's happy or sour.

The eyes are red.

Hua Jingxun lies in Xie Lingye's arms, trying to calm down his emotions.

Xie Lingye watched the firewood at the stove mouth fall out because it was half burned. He wanted to continue to burn the fire, but felt that the person in his arms held him tightly, Xie Lingye sighed in his heart and could only stand and let She hugged.

At this time, Xie Lingye couldn't see her quiet look, so she didn't know her emotions, but he was very worried about her emotions, so she stood and let her hug.

Xie Lingye's expression was gentle, and he reached out and patted the quiet back of the flower quietly, like patting a little girl.

Remember, when he was young, he coaxed his sister to sleep like this.

It should work.

Xie Lingye's movements are also very light.

Hua Jingxun warmed up, and then his emotions came out of Xie Lingye's arms, "I...I..."

Hua Jingxun seemed embarrassed.

Xie Lingye rubbed her hair, "Let the fire cook first!"


Hua Jingxun can feel that getting along with Xie Lingye is always easy, thinking that you don't want to say what you don't know how to explain, and he will always help you digress.

After the emotions were stable, Xie Lingye burned the fire and Hua Jingxun began to pack up and prepare to cook.

Fortunately, Xie Lingye brought some food in the car, as long as it was hot in the pot.

Relatively simple.

It was so hot that she put the table on the kang, and pulled Xie Lingye on the kang to eat.

Hua Jingxun can feel a particularly warm feeling.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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