In terms of Xie Lingye's education from childhood, he did not think who should do the housework and who should not.

On the contrary, he felt that men should spoil women more.

In the Xie family, there are servants at home, but fathers and mothers rarely use servants to do anything. The two of them like to enjoy the two-person world.

They will work together in the kitchen and cook together.

They enjoy the time of company.

And the uncles and aunts he knew since childhood were all uncles who favored aunts.

So in Xie Lingye's concept, it seems that men should spoil women.

Hua Jingxun was grasped by Xie Lingye's wrist, looking at the light in his eyes, she obediently took photos.

Xie Lingye packed the table, and then started to scrub the bowl with water.

He packed all the tableware.

Hua Jingxun came back with the photo and looked at Xie Lingye indifferently.

It’s really elegant and beautiful.

Xie Lingye saw Hua Jingxun, smiled softly at her, and then wiped her hand, "The picture was found."

Hua Jing nodded stunned.

Hua Jingxun has forgotten the reaction just like the little girl. Only Xie Lingye is in her eyes.

Xie Lingye smiled at Hua Jingxun before reaching out, "I will see."

I really want to know what she looked like when she was a child.

Hua Jingxun looked at the hands stretched out, exquisitely slender, with distinct bones, and so beautiful.

She feels that she is fascinated. How does Xie Lingye feel so good all over her body?

Hua Jingxun reacted and gave Xie Lingye the album in his hand.

Xie Lingye walked to Kang edge to sit down and began to look one by one.

After seeing the flowers being smoked as a child, Xie Lingye only felt that her heart had become very soft.

It's really cute and cute.

Like a little princess, the little princess in his heart.

Although Hua Jingxun was very simple to wear when he was a child, it was very beautiful and delicate like an elf.

Xie Lingye's eyes softened involuntarily.

What a painful little girl.

Hua Jingxun watched Xie Lingye not talking, and didn't know what he was thinking.

She quietly looked at Xie Lingye and found that his eyebrows were so gentle.

Hua Jingxun gathered up the courage to tell Xie Lingye how each photo was taken.

"Mom said, I was very obedient when I was a kid. When I was looking at the camera, I was looking at it. This is what my mom took me to the photo studio..."

"This is when I was in school, I carried my mother's new schoolbag. I still keep this schoolbag. It is very treasured, because it was made by my mother...

At that time, there were not many fabrics at home. When my mother was making clothes for people, the leftover pieces were spliced ​​together one by one, and the square bag was still popular at that time..."

"At that time, the braid was also made by my mother..."

Xie Lingye listened to Hua Jingxun a little bit, as if she had returned to the time when Hua Jingxun was a child, watching the little girl grow up and watching her go to school...

It really has such a wonderful feeling.

"Your mother is also clever."

Speaking of his mother, Hua Jingxun has a very proud feeling, "Well, my mother is really good, she has a lot of things, I used to do a lot of things, my mother made it for me, I don’t want to throw it away, even if I buy something else later, I will pick it up..."

It was her mother who gave her so much warmth, so Hua Jingxun's favorite person was her mother.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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