Hua Jingxun listened, his heartbeat was still accelerating, and his eyes almost looked at Xie Lingye without blinking.

The light in his eyes was like a star, hopping hopping.

Xie Lingye looked at Hua Jingxun with excitement and felt that these arrangements were correct.

Xie Lingye took out an admission order from her arms and showed it to Hua Jingxun, "This is the admission order, so you can believe it?"

Hua Jingxun looked at the enrollment order in front of her, but only felt the same as dreaming.

She froze for a moment, then pinched her cheek with her hand.


Feeling pain, Hua Jingxun really believed that the admission order in front of him was real.

It's not that she doesn't believe Xie Lingye, but it's really the same as dreaming.

She felt that following Xie Lingye, he thought about everything for her, just like hanging up.

She was really excited, and she was very happy with her heart jumping.

The low mood just now is long gone.

Hua Jingxun now only has this admission order in his eyes.

Xie Lingye reached out and gently rubbed the place where Hua Jingxun pinched her cheeks, and said distressedly: "How can you start to be so cruel to yourself!"

Hua Jingxun didn't seem to hear Xie Lingye's words, and her eyes were really only the admission order.

The admission order of Zi Zong Academy, she just heard the legend and heard that it was the first time she saw it.

She feels that Xie Lingye is really so patient, so strong, this can be obtained.

Hua Jingxun wiped his hands **** his body, and then carefully took the school order.

Hua Jingxun put it in his hand, looking left and right, he couldn't help laughing out loud.

Only in front of Xie Lingye, Hua Jingxun will release his true temperament, naturally revealing the girl's heart.

Xie Lingye looked at it, and his mood improved spontaneously.

Xie Lingye was very patient with Hua Jingxun, waiting for Hua Jingxun to digest the news.

When Hua Jingxun recovered, he was surprised, "I haven't even taken the entrance test, is there an admission order?"

She remembered that it seemed that she had to register first. After screening, the screened talents were qualified to take the entrance test. Those who passed the test would only have an admission order issued by the college if they were successfully promoted.

Why, with her, these steps are saved?

Xie Lingye said indifferently: "Well, you don't have to go through those procedures."

Hua Jingxun listened to Xie Lingye's words, her eyes sparkled with gold, so admirable, so domineering.

Hua Jingxun couldn't help but hug Xie Lingye and put a kiss on his cheek, but her own face was red, "Thank you, I will work hard."

Xie Lingye whispered: "Although you don't need those programs, you have an admission order directly. If you let other students at Zizong College know about it, you might be dissatisfied with you."

Hua Jingxun nodded, "I know, I will explain everything with strength."

She is grateful to Ling Ye for giving her the admission order. The others will try to fight for herself. She will let everyone know that she can study at Zizong Academy.

Now that she can condense her profound strength, she has to stand up to what Xie Lingye has done for her.

She is not straw bale.

Really happy.

If the mother knew, she would be happy for her.

The two discussed the matter of Zi Zong Academy, which was also fun.

Soon, Xie Lingye seemed to think of something and asked Hua Jingxun's father.

Speaking of his father, Hua Jingxun shook his head, "Mother never said my father in front of me."

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