Xie Lingye's voice seemed to be magical, causing Hua Jingxun's heart string to constantly fluctuate and his heartbeat to speed up.

She seemed to be bewitched and forgot all her reactions.

Xie Lingye looked at Hua Jingxun like this, his eyes darkened.

Originally just wanted her to remember the relationship between them, don't be so nervous.

But so close at this time, looking at her eyebrows, he also thought of that night, which made his heart ripples and his eyes sink.

At this moment, he seemed uncontrollable to do something.

And the environment and atmosphere are very suitable.

"Quiet smoke, if you forget, I can make you think again..."

Hua Jingxun naturally understood the meaning of Xie Lingye's words, her face was red again, and it was red to the ear.

She was speechless, "I...I remember..."

Hua Jingxun made Xie Lingye smile happily.

He thinks such flowers are really cute, and people's hearts are softened.

Although this atmosphere is suitable for doing something, it is not the time.

Xie Lingye has always been a very self-controlling person. He doesn't think he should do anything about Hua Jingxun now, he will not do it.

Hua Jingxun looked at Xie Lingye and smiled, especially at close range, and the whole person was dizzy.

Xie Lingye gently touched the flower's quiet smoked hair, "Don't be afraid, I won't do anything to you now, just sleep on a kang, you sleep on you, I sleep on me, eh?"

When saying this, Xie Lingye also assured Hua Jingxun.

Hua Jingxun was really relieved, she did not reject, and even willing to have close contact with Xie Lingye.

But to be honest, she was not mentally prepared.

And for the first time, she used force, and it really hurt.

Although she has a strong heart, she is still afraid of pain, especially the kind of pain, which is completely different from your ordinary injuries.

So Xie Lingye's sentence just now made Hua Jingxun's look better.

Hua Jingxun hurriedly took the quilt out of the cabinet, then put it on the Kang, and put two pillows.

"This is what I used before, you use mine first, I used my mother."

After finishing speaking, Hua Jingxun didn't hear Xie Lingye's voice, turned his head to look at him from Kang, "You... would you mind?"

Xie Lingye raised her eyebrows, "Do you think I will mind?"

When saying this, Xie Lingye's eyes deeply locked the eyes of Hua Jingxun's eyes, as if to say that she had been intimate and minded using her pillow.

Hua Jingxun's heartbeat missed a beat, and she took a deep breath, "You... do you sleep inside or outside?"

Xie Lingye couldn't help crying and laughing, "Do you think I'll let you sleep outside? Silly girl, I'm here to protect you, whenever."

This sentence, Xie Lingye contains a lot of meaning, in fact, it is said to Hua Jingxun.

Hua Jingxun is not stupid, naturally understand, she was moved and warm.

"I... I don't sleep honestly, I'm afraid to do to you...what..."

Hua Jingxun remembers that she was confused when she went to bed.

She was really afraid that she would do such a thing to Xie Lingye. She is a woman, and if she sleeps so violently, she feels blushing.

Xie Lingye disagreed, "Fool, don't worry about anything."

Even if Hua Jingxun went to bed to fight, he was not worried.

Hua Jingxun struggled a lot, when she and Xie Lingye really lay on a kang, she looked at the ceiling, but she couldn't sleep anymore.

Is this the same bed?

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