Liu Miaotong was originally disdainful of the flowers, and just calling the young grandma was an expedient measure.

But I didn't expect Hua Jingxun to take out this file and hit them in the face.

They cannot yet refute, nor can they question the alliance.

The key is that Liu Miaotong doesn't know how to return to the Duanmu family.

Liu Miaotong's face was distorted for a long time, and he could not utter a word.

Because she thought too much of the wording before, she can't use a sentence now.

She originally thought that she would have a little respect for Hua Jingxun later, and told her to be her grandmother and use the Duanmu family to make her understand her current identity.

At the same time, she also told her that she is a member of the Duanmu family, and what she needs to do, she needs to cooperate.

Remind her of identity.

If Hua Jingxun still doesn't listen, then you have to use threats, and threatening methods may work.

Today, when digging the ground three feet, Xuan Ling Tower must also be found.

This is a very important treasure in the legend of Zhongzhou mainland.

Although I don’t know how Master Duanmu knew about this, but since she was arranged to search, she must complete the task.

Who knows, the flowers were killed halfway, and they were shocked again and again.

This ability, and the documents of this alliance.

Each one is playing the Duanmu family's face.

Today, the young master is not in the Duanmu family. If you know it, you will be very angry!

The flowers that used to be squeezed by people were turned into like this.

This momentum is really shocking and incredible.

Liu Miaotong seems to remember one thing, that is, the people on the streets around the Duanmu family, the eyes of the Duanmu family are very strange to see them.

Especially when they rushed here today, many people were whispering, watching them pointing, as if talking about the Duanmu family.

At that time, she did not take those people into consideration, so she did not listen to what they said.

But now that I think about it carefully, don't those people on the street know this, so they only look at the Duanmu family with such strange eyes.

Liu Miaotong thought of this possibility, his face changed, and the twisted ones were not like that.

She stared at Hua Jingxun with wide eyes, "Small... No, Miss Hua, you used to be the young grandma of the Duanmu family. You can't erase this identity. When you married the Duanmu family, this house belonged to Duanmu. Family, now we have the right to deal with it."

Hua Jingxun was smirked.

"I have seen shameless, never seen you so shameless, this is my home of Huajingxun, when are you eligible to deal with it? You do not even have the qualification to come here."

Hearing Liu Miaotong say this, Hua Jingxun is no longer ready to be polite.

After she said this, she pointed her finger: "Get out of the village, if not, I will teach you to get out."

"Miss Hua, it's useless even if you talk like this. When you enter the Duanmu family, it's the Duanmu family's place."

Hua Jingxun raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Oh, I have seen the bandit behavior of the Duanmu family, and I have never seen such a shameless bandit behavior. Then I can also say that the entire family of your Duanmu family is now What about mine!"

Hua Jingxun said so, even Liu Miaotong was stunned.

She never knew that Hua Jingxun responded so fast, and she was so clever.

"Miss Hua, you stole..."

Hua Jingxun lazily listened to Liu Miaotong's nonsense again, directly picked up the shoes next to her, and slammed into Liu Miaotong's mouth, making her so shameless, smashing her mouth and watching her nonsense again.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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