Hua Jingxun opened her eyes wide and looked at the mirror. She couldn't believe it. She even felt that the person in the mirror was not her.

She reached out and gently touched the forehead and brow, it was a gentle power, like jade, very comfortable.

She was really shocked.

For a long while, Hua Jingxun found his voice, "This... is it really Xuan Ling Tower?"

At the forehead is the shape of a very small tower, gleaming golden light, with a looming white light, there is a feeling of holiness.

Hua Jingxun was really surprised, "It turns out that there really are Xuan Ling Tower in this world."

It turned out that this is what the Duanmu family wanted, Xuan Ling Tower.

She remembered that when she was a child, her mother once cut her finger and dripped blood on something.

She didn't understand it at the time, and now think of it, is that something that looks like a toy, is it Xuan Ling Tower?

So, my mother knows Xuan Ling Tower?

But she grew up and never heard her mother say this.

"I only know that Xuan Ling Pagoda is a powerful Venerable Spirit. With it, the speed of promotion will be very fast."

Xie Lingye said: "This is just people's superficial understanding of Xuan Ling Pagoda. This thing is aura and can be recognized as the Lord. Now it recognizes you as the Lord. It should be related to your blood, otherwise ordinary people will not be Xuan Ling. The pagoda admits, as I have just passed the knowledge from Xuanling Pagoda, this is a kind of fairyland magic weapon, an ancient immortal treasure, when your strength is not strong enough, you must not let people know that you have this, also It cannot be shown in front of outsiders."

Hearing Xie Lingye's solemn request, Hua Jingxun nodded vigorously.

Just because the Duanmu family suspected that she had this, she almost killed her and her mother. She naturally knew the importance of this thing and must not let anyone know.

"Does it recognize me as the Lord? Why have I never known its existence?"

Xie Lingye thought for a while and thought: "Maybe when you can really open this Xuanling Tower, you can enter the space with your mind, the ability to open layer by layer, it will also bring you something."

"How did it start?"

Xie Lingye pondered for a while and said, "I'll find something for you."

Now Hua Jingxun's ability to just start cultivation has not yet awakened Xuan Ling Pagoda's aura for a while. Perhaps with the strengthening of cultivation time and the strength of Xuan Ling, Xuan Ling Pagoda can open the resources in the tower for Hua Jing Xun.

But time...

Thinking of time, Xie Lingye felt that he could not wait, he did not know when he had to be driven away by this space.

Therefore, he must ensure the safety of the flowers.

There is one thing that can stimulate this treasure to open.

He wanted to find flowers for the quiet smoke.

Hua Jingxun watched Xie Lingye going out again, and she grabbed his hand worriedly.

Xie Lingye looked at Hua Jingxun's uneasy look, reached out and patted the back of her hand gently, "Good boy, I will come back soon."

"I will go with you."

"It's time to enroll at Zi Zong Academy. You practice more and time is precious. I will be back soon. Don't worry."

Under Xie Lingye's insistence, Hua Jingxun stayed temporarily.

But Hua Jingxun's heart is very uneasy, she is very worried about Xie Lingye.

If she thinks something like Xuan Ling Tower is very valuable, to open its ability, Xie Lingye must be looking for something that is not simple. Will he be in danger?

Unconsciously, Xie Lingye's importance to Hua Jingxun has exceeded her own thinking.

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