But what surprised them was that their young master really spoke quietly to the flower: "Okay, listen to you."

It was a spoiled tone.

These subordinates were dumbfounded.

Really dumbfounded.

It seems that all the principles of the young master do not work in front of Hua Jingxun.

They still underestimated the status of Hua Jingxun in the mind of the young master.

They originally felt that Hua Jingxun had a very important position in the mind of the young master.

Now it seems that the status is not only what they think, but also higher!

The words of Miss Hua Jingxun are better than anything.

Everyone almost looked at Hua Jingxun with tears in their eyes.

Hua Jingxun doesn't know the thoughts of these people, she just feels that Xie Lingye has a good temper and really speaks well.

Hua Jingxun can feel that she is spoiled by Xie Lingye, so she is warm now.

Hua Jingxun lazily glanced at Duanmu Qinghen, she only looked at Xie Lingye and said: "Are you tired? Let's go home for dinner."

Hua Jingxun wants to cook for Xie Lingye.

Xie Lingye looked at the flowers quietly and cheerfully, and there was a relaxed feeling in his whole body.

It seems that there is a feeling of relaxing at home.

Xie Lingye's expression relaxed.

He looked at the hand that had just been held by Hua Jingxun, his eyes soft, "Well, go home."

He likes to listen to this word.

Those of the Duanmu family didn't seem to kill the young man when they saw this powerful man.

So they trembled tremblingly, and carried the young master away.

The people on the street saw that there was no more excitement, and they were also ready to leave.

At this time, Su Xiulan didn't leave. She saw the man and Hua Jingxun going to enter the door. She jumped out and said, "This son!"

Su Xiulan tried to make her voice sound better, but as everyone knows, the people who haven't left heard goose bumps all over the body.

They couldn't help trembling.

Others have such voices...so people...

Everyone looked back, it turned out to be Miss Su's!

"No, the young master of the Duanmu family was taken away. Why is she still here? What are you doing?"

"That's right, she's looking at the man, her eyes are wrong..."

"Fuck, this woman, ah..."


Many women can't see it, and many women in the street know what Su Xiulan wants to do when she looks like this.

They watched, just like those coquettes, and wished to tear up.

"I don't know where the virtue of this Miss Su family is. Like her, can she be compared with other people like Hua Jingxun?"

"Yes, there is always someone so big!"

"She's shameless, let's tear it up."

"This Miss Su family can condense into a profound energy."


Su Xiulan was shameless. At first, Hua Jingxun was the young grandmother of the Duanmu family. She was with Duanmu Qinghen, and she was still blatant.

It was not once or twice that she provoked Hua Jingxun.

Besides, she is the first lady of the Su family. Can Hua Jingxun compare with her?

Su Xiulan proudly waited for the man to turn and look at her.

But in Xie Lingye's eyes, only flowers are quiet, and she will not pay attention to other voices at all.

Xie Lingye's subordinates looked back at this Su Xiulan, their mouths twitched and shouted, "Come on, the cats and dogs can't let them in, dirty places."

"Yes, hurry up, then sweep the broom to clean up here..."

In fact, when Su Xiulan spoke, Hua Jingxun noticed that she looked back in the direction of Su Xiulan, and the corner of her mouth evoked a mocking arc.

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