Hua Jingxun now feels that her mind must have been pinched by the door.

Every time she thinks about her things in the Duanmu family, she hates to slap herself.

Xie Lingye didn't know these thoughts in Hua Jingxun's mind, he watched Hua Jingxun not eating, inserted it with a toothpick, and brought it to her with his own hands.

Each time Hua Jingxun was with Xie Lingye, she was always moved and warmed.

After eating the fruit, Hua Jing smoked back to the room.

She set an alarm clock, but after only three hours of sleep, she got up and started practicing.

Going to Zi Zong Academy soon.

She needs to hurry up to practice.

Although I don't know how Xie Lingye gave her the admission order of Zi Zong Academy, she must be worthy of the admission order.

She can't let the faculty leaders of the college, Xie Lingye behind the layout is not.

She wants to prove herself with strength.

With this conviction, Hua Jingxun was fully engaged in the state and began to practice.

The power of Huajing Xun Dantian shows orange, which is faster than red cultivation.

In fact, Hua Jingxun has a special physique, the power in the body is stimulated, and the condensed profound strength is also increasing. These profound strengths converge in the Danjing of Hua Jingxun, and then merge with the strength of Dantian, and then walk the whole body, the whole People are getting lighter and lighter, and Xuan Li is getting stronger and stronger.

Hua Jingxun's mind flashed Jianying Xuangong, every move and every pattern was engraved in her mind.

She seemed to enter her mind, holding a sword, and began to make one-by-one gestures.

Then, Hua Jingxun opened his eyes, and a sharp light flashed under his eyes.

She drew the soft sword from her waist, and then went to the bamboo yard in the backyard of the house, and began to show her sword moves constantly.

She knows that her speed needs to be accelerated, she also needs to be more skilled, and she still lacks actual combat experience.

She must work hard, work harder...

Xie Lingye told her that Jianying Xuan Gong has one to nine weights, and as the strength of Xuanli Sword Qi increases, the power it exerts will become more powerful.

Hua Jingxun knows that her current strength seems to be condensing well, but she has not performed well in the first weight of Jianying Xuan Gong.

So she can feel that in this small city, everyone is generally weak.

Therefore, even the Su family Su Xiulan and the Duanmu blue mark of the Duanmu family are not eligible to enter the Zongzong Academy!

Hua Jingxun didn't know if she could enter the exam by herself, the examination of Zi Zong Academy was very strict.

Thinking of these, Hua Jingxun's expression is more serious, she does not let herself relax, and continues to work hard to practice sword...

Because of the condensed profound power, the sword energy must be displayed before the power of sword shadow profound power can be exerted.

Late at night, the flowers are quietly practising here.

On the other side, Xie Lingye held a meeting and gave many instructions.

He knew that he was about to send Jingxun to Zizong Academy, and at the same time, he also felt that he might be temporarily dispersed by Zhongzhou mainland.

Although he will return, he is not sure how long.

So before that, he had to clear some obstacles for Hua Jingxun.

The Duanmu family, the Su family, and those who had bullied Hua Jingxun must be.

Xie Lingye made people move, and these people were busy and busy, and they were overwhelmed. These people were important to keep their family, and the family began to fight.

The Duanmu family and the Su family started fighting in the dark.

In this way, these people will no longer have time to disturb Hua Jingxun. As for killing these people, it is better to hand them over to Hua Jingxun for her to use them for practice.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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