Xie Lingye raised her eyebrows and looked at Hua Jingxun, with a smiley light in her eyes, slightly teasing, "What do you say?"

Hua Jingxun bowed his head and dared not look at Xie Lingye's expression, nor did he dare to know his thoughts.

She felt that the cold light in Xie Lingye's eyes at that time was obvious, and she definitely wanted to kill her.

But then, why did he save her?

In fact, I can't even understand the flowers.

Although Hua Jingxun has a lot of doubts in her heart, she would blush at the earliest thing with Xie Lingye, and she would not take the initiative to mention it, let alone ask Xie Lingye's thoughts.

Hua Jingxun can only pretend not to know and lower his head, as if he can hide himself.

Looking at Hua Jingxun, Xie Lingye knew she was thin-skinned.

And he also understands the flower quiet smoke, so he doesn't continue to talk about it.

His face froze, and he continued to say: "But essentially, Zhongzhou mainland is a special continent, with a world of spiritual strength, and my subordinates and I did not belong here, and there are souls. The power is different from here...

To put it simply, Zhongzhou mainland has the natural laws that belong here, and my subordinates and I are here, will violate the natural laws of this continent, and will be driven away by Zhongzhou mainland and return to our original place. This is Formed by heaven..."

Hua Jingxun was a very intelligent person, and when Xie Lingye tried to tell her in simple and understandable words, she could understand it.

Hua Jingxun frowned: "You... aren't you going to leave?"

Xie Lingye smiled softly and looked at Hua Jingxun tenderly, "You are here, I am so uneasy about you, how could it be that I want to leave, even if I leave, I will take you together, but you belong now In this world, according to the law, I can't take you away yet, but I will think of a way."

Hearing Xie Lingye's words, Hua Jingxun's heart warmed up, knowing Xie Lingye's heart was just fine.

Knowing that he was not willing to leave, even if he left, he wanted to take her.

With this recognition, Hua Jingxun's whole heart warmed up and was full of strength again.

But what seemed to come to her, her face turned white, "But if you are driven away..."

Hua Jingxun hasn't finished her worry, Xie Lingye seems to know.

He directly comforted: "Trust me, I will find a way to come back, but I am not sure how long it will be."

Hearing this, Hua Jingxun's heart was still tight, she was very worried.

But she looked at Xie Lingye's eyes, he let her believe him, then she will believe without reservation, and believe he can come back.

But when will he be back?

"I will find a way to come back as soon as possible, but in the process, I am most worried about you, you have to take care of yourself, protect yourself, you can't be bullied, let alone hurt..."

Xie Lingye never knew that he would be so nagging, so he had a lot of worries, so he talked to Hua Jingxun.

Hua Jingxun said seriously: "I will listen to you, protect yourself, take care of yourself, and I will wait for you to come back."

She will also find her mother.

"Well, this is good."

Although Xie Lingye seems to be gentle, but he is very strong in his bones, if someone rushes to hurt Hua Jingxun, he will never let it go.

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