Hua Jingxun really didn't know anything about her father. She didn't even know what her surname was.

After twenty years, she didn't even know if her father was still alive.

In her feelings, maybe the father was dead, so the mother never mentioned her father's affairs.

But when Xie Lingye told her this guess now, her heart suddenly panned, and her heart could not be calm for a long time.

Because if the father is still alive, why not come to the mother.

She didn't care how she felt, because she had no affection for her father.

She doesn't know what is fatherly love.

But she remembered her mother's hard work. From an early age, her mother saved money and saved money for her, saving money for her to buy good food and many things.

Her mother can give her as much as she can.

Mother is always afraid of wronging her.

She loves her mother very much, but if her father is from the Zheng family and is fully capable of taking care of her mother, why should she treat her like that?

Hua Jingxun's mood is very chaotic, and he can't understand it for a while.

"I don’t know, I don’t know if my father is from the Zheng family, my mother hasn’t said it, but what I don’t understand is why I should treat my mother like that, I... I don’t have anything, just mother, she is very hard, she really It's not easy, I... I love her."

When I was a daughter, I really loved my mother.

And this time, she did not know where her mother was.

The mother is sick, she doesn’t know where she is going, can she take care of herself?

Is she okay now?

Hua Jingxun really misses her mother.

She is equivalent to being dependent on her mother from an early age.

Before thinking about her mother, she had no way to find it, and she believed Xie Lingye.

If Xie Lingye couldn't find it, she had no manpower, and she couldn't find it at all.

In order to avoid causing trouble to Xie Lingye, she always suppressed her miss for her mother.

She always missed her mother before going to bed at night.

Xie Lingye looked at Hua Jingxun's eyes were red, and didn't know if she was right or wrong.

He touched her head lovingly, "Guessing is not necessarily true, but you also know that I have checked the news before, your mother has appeared in Central City, but where you have gone now, I don’t know, check it There has been no news for a long time, or it may be that your mother did not want to be found."

"Mom, she loves me so much and will definitely come back to find me."

"Well, your mother loves you so much, she still loves you now."

And Hua Jingxun is so distressing, how can people not be loved.

If her mother is sober, she will surely miss the flowers.

How could she be willing to run so far, and it must be her reason to go so far.

"Don't think so much, your mother will come back to find you."

According to Hua Jingxun's description to Xie Lingye, Xie Lingye always felt that Hua Jingxun's mother should not be an ordinary person.

"Xuan Ling Pagoda is an ancient spiritual weapon. I recognize you as the master. When one day you can stimulate its ability to be fully opened, it will help you become a pinnacle. At that time, you are a truly powerful person, and you can protect what you want to protect. People."

"Will I be expelled from Zhongzhou mainland?"

"No, because you are from Zhongzhou mainland, it can feel your breath."

"Well, I will protect my mother well."

Xie Lingye seemed to think of something and said very seriously: "Xuan Ling Tower's things must not be known to anyone, do you know?"

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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