Xie Qi's tone was completely provocative and contemptuous, and he did not take Ouyang's family in his eyes.

Ouyang Cui's eyes widened, and he pointed at himself, "I'm Miss Ouyang, you dare, dare to do this, dare to treat Ouyang's family..."

Xie Qi nodded, "Well, I really dare..."

With that said, Xie Qiyi reached out and fanned Ouyang Cui, and then just fanned out like that.

"Bump!" Ouyang Cui flew out like a broken kite.

Then the sound of "pia" fell to the ground again.

Everyone looked at Xie Qi's eyes even more horrified.

Miss Ouyang family was thrown out like this?

Everyone looked at Xie Qi's eyes with horror.

The atmosphere of the crowd present did not dare to show up.


Hua Jingxun looked seriously, she was looking at Xie Qi's moves.

She knew that Miss Ouyang's family was also profound, but when Xie Qi shot, it was accurate and fast.

No time for others to react at all.

Xie Lingye gently touched the flower's static smoked hair, "It's time to go to Zizong Academy."

Hua Jingxun nodded, "Okay."

When she was in front of Xie Lingye, she was very obedient.

Xie Lingye made a gesture, and they were cleared by Xie Qi. The road was also cleared by the people.

They traveled slowly forward in this way.

In the eyes of everyone, Xie Lingye and their pedestrians drove slowly away.

The people almost watched these cars with enthusiasm, watching silently.

After the trip left, everyone recovered and began to discuss in shock.

"Then... who is that, what forces?"

"I can't see it at all. It's really too strong. That's the Ouyang family. The strong people of the Ouyang family have been completely killed."

"And, didn't you see it? The people in that car were their heads, but they didn't get off the car all the time."

"That's the mysterious person behind, and I don't know the background."


Everyone marveled at the discussion, and Xie Lingye and his group lived in a valley below the mountain of Zizong Academy.

The environment of this residence is elegant and it is a large house with some servants inside.

Surrounded by dense forest, there is an organ formation next to it.

After Xie Lingye and his group stayed, he let Hua Jingxun take a rest, and then took Hua Jingxun to familiarize himself with the house and the surrounding environment.

He called out everyone in the house and introduced Hua Jingxun officially, "She is Hua Jingxun, and she will be your master in the future."


Everyone respectfully salute the flowers.

These servants were saved by people like Xie Lingye. They were grateful and homeless, so they were brought here by Xie Lingye's people.

This is also a home that Xie Lingye placed for Hua Jingxun, outside the Zizong Academy.

Xie Lingye considered everything she could think about and prepared for Hua Jingxun.

Hua Jingxun found that Xie Lingye did too much for her, and the language of gratitude was too pale.

She didn't know what else to do.

In the absence of people, Hua Jingxun took the initiative to hug Xie Lingye and hugged him very hard.

Xie Lingye patted her back gently, "What's wrong?"

When Xie Lingye faced the flowers quietly, her tone was gentle. He wished he could take all the good things to this girl who made him feel bad and make him love.

Hua Jingxun took a deep breath, smelling his breath deeply, whispering in his arms: "I won't let you go."

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