After Hua Jingxun slowly calmed down, he held Xie Lingye's neck firmly, smelled Xie Lingye's elegant breath, and then closed her eyes.

She is used to this kind of breath now. Xie Lingye's elegant breath seems to be integrated into her body.

Breathing this breath made her feel particularly at ease.

Xie Lingye gently touched the flower's quiet smoked hair, "Obey, eh?"

Hua Jingxun whispered: "I will miss you very much."

Hua Jingxun can feel her dependence on Xie Lingye, she will be inseparable from him, even if she is separated for a day, she will also miss it.

Xie Lingye sighed in his heart, "Fool, I will miss you too."

How he doesn't want to, now he can't wait to see her in front of her.

However, there are some photos of her on the phone, and there are some videos, he can solve the pain of acacia in a short time.

For a long time, he can't stand it either.

So he will find out the time as soon as possible and come back early, even if he takes Hua Jingxun out of the mainland of Zhongzhou.

In fact, now he also wants to take flowers to leave Zhongzhou mainland and return to his world.

But he knew that according to his test, he could not take the flowers to leave Zhongzhou mainland for the time being, he needed to go back and find a way.

When Hua Jingxun heard Xie Lingye said that she would think about this sentence, she closed her eyes harder, and she felt a bit sour eyes.

"Ling Ye..."


In the face of flowers and static smoke, Xie Lingye is good-tempered and gentle.

He will wait patiently and listen to Hua Jingxun talking.

"hug me."

Xie Lingye felt helplessly touching the flower's hair, "Hugging."

"Hug me hard, okay?"

Hua Jingxun will look up at Xie Lingye, with a strong desire in his eyes.

Xie Lingye's heart touched for a while, he no longer hesitated, holding the flowers tightly and quietly, very hard, very hard, I wish I could rub her into the body. Hua Jingxun could feel some pain in being hugged, but this intensity made her feel very secure.

All she needs is this feeling, a strong sense of security, so that she can temporarily rest assured.

Even if Xie Lingye leaves temporarily, she will use this feeling to wait for his return.

She believes he will come back.

Because she can see in his eyes that his feelings for himself are real.

Hua Jingxun seemed to think of something and summoned the courage to ask Xie Lingye, "Ling Ye, do you love me?"

Xie Lingye looked at Hua Jingxun's starry eyes, so serious, so persistent, as if he would listen to his current answer.

Xie Lingye felt helpless and spoiled and touched the flower's quiet smoked hair. "How can you not love, fool."

She is so distressing, so loveable, why not love!

When Hua Jingxun heard Xie Lingye's answer, her eyes suddenly flashed a firm light, "Ling Ye, you... do you love me, okay?"

After finishing this sentence, Hua Jingxun looked dead, lying in Xie Lingye's arms, as if to bury himself.

What did she say just now?

Her face was red.

That was the true meaning in her heart, but she was afraid that Xie Lingye would think she... she was not reserved.

But she thought, she wanted to prove love.

Although it hurts, she thinks... wanting to have a more intimate contact with Xie Lingye in that way.

She wanted him to remember her better.

Xie Lingye's heart shivered when he heard Hua Jingxun's words. He thought he had misheard and misunderstood.

But when he looked down at the quiet look of flowers, he thought he had not misunderstood.

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