In this Zizong Academy exam, none of the Ouyang family passed.

This time the admission list was announced, which completely beat the face of Ouyang's family.

Especially Ouyang Heng, when various points were scored, the situation appeared, so that he was scared and sick now, still hiding in Ouyang's house!

It can be said that in Zicheng, every examination of Zizong Academy will arouse the attention of major forces in the whole city and even from other places.

In the past, Ouyang's family was rampant, and this time, many of the Ouyang family's disciples who took the exam failed to pass the exam, which became the laughing point of the entire Zicheng Chayu after dinner.

From that day, after the Ouyang family's Miss Ouyang Cui was crushed, and the Ouyang family's shadow guard was defeated, the Ouyang family was crushed again.

This intensified the infighting of the entire Ouyang family.

Of course, many people feel relieved.

After all, the Ouyang family used to bully people for a long time.

"Now people who look at the Ouyang family are still so rampant."

"Isn't it that there are a lot of strong people? Why didn't you enter Zi Zong Academy this time?"

"I heard that Ouyang Heng, a genius disciple of the Ouyang family, is nervous and has a bad brain."

"Don't you hear that day, he kept shouting ghosts, ghosts?"

"Who knows the truth?"


In the discussion of everyone, the enrolled students also found a question, "Do you think this flower-quiet name is a bit strange?"

"It's a bit strange. She didn't seem to be on the previous exam list, and I haven't seen this person in the exam room."

"Does it go through the back door?"

"Who knows, Zi Zong Academy has never had such a practice."

"I don't know where it is."

"Did everyone remember it wrong?"

"At various points, we will all look at the situation of everyone. It should not be wrong..."


In the discussion of everyone, Hua Jingxun has been first brought into the college by Xie Lingye.

According to the rules, it is a room for two people, but Xie Lingye applied to Hua Jingxun for a room for one person.

In this way, Hua Jingxun can be cleaned, or you can concentrate on cultivation, there will not be so many cumbersome things.

Xie Lingye personally sent flowers for static smoking, opened boxes one by one, took out her clothes from the boxes, and hung them one by one in the closet.

Give her daily supplies as well.

Including the mattress, Xie Lingye personally laid it for her.

When Hua Jingxun wanted to start, Xie Lingye didn't let her do it, "You are familiar with the admission rules first, and I will sort them out for you."

In fact, Xie Lingye can feel that his body is getting stronger and stronger.

He has too much reluctance in his heart, so he wants to do more for Hua Jingxun.

Even when he made the bed for Hua Jingxun, there was a slight sway in his body, and there was a sweet smell in his throat.

That's the smell of blood.

Xie Lingye pressed everything down, at least don't let Hua Jingxun discover it now.

He didn't want Hua Jingxun to worry about it.

Because the door was open, Xie Lingye originally intended to breathe the room for Hua Jingxun, but many students will see that a noble and elegant man is doing these trivial things when passing by.

And the movement is so elegant and noble, even doing these simple things makes people feel pleasing.

"That is Hua Jingxun?"

"It seems to be her, I heard that she also applied for a room for one person."

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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