When Hua Jingxun asked this sentence, her heart was actually mentioned. She looked at Xie Ying without blinking, waiting for Xie Ying to answer.

She was sweating because of her nervousness.

She hoped that Xie Ying told her that Xie Lingye had told her that Xie Lingye was still here.

Hua Jingxun's eyes are red.

Xie Ying looked at Hua Jingxun like this and couldn't bear it.

This young lady, if the young master sees it, he will be distressed!

Looking at Hua Jingxun, he felt that Hua Jingxun's entire body was stretched like a string, and the inside was particularly fragile, as if she could not stand a word.

Xie Ying opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he still couldn't say it.

The relationship between the young master and the future young lady, he now understands.

The two of them seem flat on the surface, but they are both the kind of people who hide their feelings deeply in their hearts.

Such feelings are often only deep in their own understanding, others may not understand.

Xie Ying was very uncomfortable thinking about the look of the young master when he left.

The only thing he can do is to protect the future young lady for the young master.

Xie Ying gave Hua Jingxun a letter left by the young master, "This is the young master's stay last night, you will understand after reading it."

Hearing this, Hua Jingxun seemed to understand something. She wanted to step forward to get the letter, but her footsteps seemed to be filled with lead, and she could not move at all.

Her head was even more dizzy.

Hua Jingxun trembling his hand and took the letter, his eyes were a little blurred.

Because she guessed why Xie Lingye didn't show up, she left her a letter instead.

She took a few deep breaths, suppressed her emotions, and then shivered to open the letter.

It took Hua Jingxun a long time before opening the letter, because her hands were shaking and her heart was shaking.

After opening the letter, Hua Jingxun read the contents of the letter, and then couldn't control it anymore. She crouched down and hugged herself, and cried silently.

Xie Lingye told her in his heart that he left Zhongzhou mainland, he said he would definitely come back, but her heart was still in pain, still uncomfortable.

There was no Xie Lingye's breath around her, and she could not accept it for a while.

In the letter, Xie Lingye also confessed to her a lot of things and let her remember.

She remembered every word he said very clearly, and she carefully memorized every word on the letter.

But she just wanted to thank Lingye.

She was used to him by her side, and no one knew how flustered and uneasy her heart was when she could not see Xie Lingye in the morning.

Hua Jingxun's heart is uncomfortable, she needs to stabilize her emotions.

Xie Lingye said in the letter that she would come back as soon as possible, but he did not say exactly when to return.

She believed him, but during this time, she would be uncomfortable.

Xie Ying looked at Hua Jingxun squatting there, like an injured animal, so people could not help feeling sad.

Xie Ying wanted to comfort a few words, but did not know how to comfort.

Because any pale language cannot compare with the return of the young master.

He also believed that the young master would return.

They followed the young master from an early age, and beside the young master, the young master was the kind of person who said a lot of words when he was young.

They believed everything the young master said.

And whatever the young master said, the young master could do it.

He thought that the young master would definitely return as soon as possible.

Xie Ying stood quietly beside him, Hua Jingxun crouched on the ground, she was calming her emotions.

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