Xie Lingye heard his father's words, and then he did not hesitate to tell his father about the journey in mainland China.

For his father, he was in awe.

Even if he has grown up now, he is still alone, but his father still carries a coercive pressure, so that he will involuntarily do what his father wants.

And he also knows that his father is good for him.

Xie Limo listened carefully all the time, his eyes were a little deep, his fingers lightly tapped on the desktop, thoughtfully.

After Xie Lingye spoke slowly, looking at his father, he found that his father was always so deep and his eyes so deep that he could not see his emotions.

He knew that his father seemed gentle and gentle, but he was also strict with them.

Perhaps only by his mother's side, his father is truly gentle, and Bai Lianhua turns into Zhizhirou.

The father loves his mother the most, but the father will still teach him and his brothers and sisters.

Xie Limo pondered for a while and said, "Do you want to go back to Zhongzhou mainland because Hua Jingxun that woman?"

Xie Lingye made no concealment in front of her father, "Yes, father, I am very worried about her, I am not at ease, and Zhongzhou mainland is so dangerous, that is a world of weak meat and strong food."

Xie Limo watched Xie Lingye say this, and was somewhat relieved.

The child is still growing up.

In fact, in his view, Xie Lingye did well in the past. He controlled everything about the Xie family.

But the former Xie Lingye worried him as a father.

Because Xie Lingye was missing something.

Now that he has love in his heart, he is relieved.

Only when you have love and experience love will you better love this world.

Xie Limo looked at Xie Lingye seriously and said, "I can help you go back to the mainland of Zhongzhou, but there is one thing that I must emphasize with you."

Xie Lingye heard this sentence, her eyes widened with excitement, "Father please say."

Xie Limo said: "In the entire universe, there are many space worlds. The identity of your mother and I are relatively special, and your existence is more special. Originally, the physical body can't accommodate powerful souls, but it also fits well. , Or maybe because of our special identity, so you can enter the mainland of Zhongzhou...

However, every world has its own rules. You can’t break them. The reason why you are driven away from Zhongzhou mainland is because your existence can destroy the rules and balance there..."

"But father..."

Xie Limo waved his hand, "Please don't worry, don't worry, I will still send you to Zhongzhou mainland, but you can't stay there for too long, nor can you forcefully break a lot of rules. People who care can bring back our world."

Xie Lingye looked at his father excitedly, "Father, is that okay?"

"Yes, it is no problem for you to bring back a few people from that world, but you can't break the rules of that world. You should try not to interfere with some things, understandable?"

"Father, what if I break the rules of that world?"

Xie Limo rubbed his eyebrows and said: "If the rules of that world are broken, it is likely that the mainland of Zhongzhou will disappear, and then you will not find that world. Every world has rules that exist."

Xie Lingye's face changed when she heard these words, "Father, what if those people bully Jing Xun?"

"You can do something, but you can't intervene too much, but Hua Jingxun is a person in that world, and she can do some things."

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