Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 5243: The style of painting has changed

Xie Ying can see the storm condensing in Xie Lingye's eyes.

He had never seen the young master like this.

Xie Ying's heart trembled. He knew that Master Young was really angry.

He looked at the storm condensing in the eyes of the young master, and he had a feeling as if the young master had bombed the entire mainland of Zhongzhou.

The coldness in Xie Lingye's eyes made Xie Ying feel a chill.

He felt that the people in Zhongzhou mainland were really stupid. He dared to move the young lady, and dared to kill the young lady. Then he was ready to be ready to be killed by their young master.

If their young master is really angry, those families, assassins, don't want to live alone.

But he only hoped that the young lady could hold it and wait for the young master to return.

Xie Ying looked at the young master like this, he remembered that he forgot to say a very important thing.

Xie Ying was trembling and frowning. He didn't even know how to talk to the young master about the young master's children.

He was worried that the young master could not bear the news.

However, as a subordinate, no matter what things can not hide from the master.

"Little Lord……"

Xie Lingye's eyes condensed, looking at Xie Ying, waiting for him to continue.

Xie Ying didn't dare to look at the young master's expression at this time. He lowered his head and said: "Young master, the young lady has your child, just the day you left and found..."

After Xie Ying finished speaking, the atmosphere didn't dare to show up, so he lowered his head.

He could all feel that when he finished speaking, the temperature of the whole space dropped, and he seemed to feel the cold wind blowing in the room.

The aura on the young master is too strong.

The pressure in the house was so strong that people couldn't breathe.


Indeed, Xie Lingye was completely overwhelmed by the news that Xie Ying said.

He stood in shock at the same place, and it seemed that none of the shocked ones could recover.

Xie Ying didn't see the young master talking for a while, he slowly looked up, and saw the young master in shock, with the same expression as if he had been struck by thunder.

Xie Ying also opened his eyes. He has been with the young master for so many years, and has followed the young master with many tasks.

He had never seen the young master like this.

The young master has always been strategizing, calm and calm.

There has never been anything that can trouble the young master.

All the exceptions made by the young master seem to be due to the quietness of the flowers.

The young master obviously did not expect it, did not expect the young lady...

Xie Ying carefully observed the young master's expression and dared not speak.

After a while, Xie Lingye seemed to digest the news and then reacted. He recovered slightly, his voice trembling slightly: "You... what did you just say?"

When Xie Lingye said this, his palms sweated a little because of the tension.

Xie Lingye was afraid he thought he had heard it wrong.

He has to confirm it carefully.

Xie Ying watched the young master suddenly become like this style of painting, it was really not used to it.

He knew that the young master should be very shocked and unbelievable.

He heard the news at the beginning, and it was unbelievable. The young master was not close to the female sex, but now the young master has even children.

Xie Ying nodded vigorously, "Young Master, it's true, it's been several months now."

Xie Lingye looked at Xie Ying and nodded. He took a step back, and then sat weakly, without knowing where to put his hands.

"Quiet her...she..."

Xie Lingye was very confused. The only thing he worried about was Quiet Smoke. She had to face so many dangers and protect her children.

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