With Xie Limo's enlightenment, Yun Bixue's mood was instantly ready.

There was a bright smile on his face.

Xie Limo looked at Yun Bixue and smiled, his heart relieved.

Seeing the loved one laughing, his mood was also bright.

In fact, Yun Bixue's heart is no matter how strong, and she is also a little woman, and she will have some emotions.

But the woman is also very coaxing, that is, to get into some emotions of the horns of the horn, and gently enlighten, just fine.

Xie Limo looked at Yun Bixue's smile and kissed her lips.


Xie Limo pressed Yun Bixue's head and coaxed: "Good..."

Xie Limo coaxed Yun Bixue not to let her move.

His love for her is so obvious, and the need for her is so obvious.

Yun Bixue knows that his physique is so good...

However, Yun Bixue can also regain her confidence through Xie Limo's love for her. She will think that maybe she is still very good, still very young and beautiful.

Yun Bixue also responded hard to Xie Limo...


Because Xie Lingye was anxiously worried about flowers being quiet, Xie Limo could only arrange to send Xie Lingye to mainland China as soon as possible.

When the power was turned on, a ray of light flashed, Xie Lingye headed towards the mainland of Zhongzhou.

But no one knows when they will arrive and when they will see Hua Jingxun.

Because I went to mainland China in advance, there are too many unknowns.

But Xie Lingye believed that he would come to Hua Jingxun.

During this time, Xie Lingye tasted the taste of acacia, he wanted to spend too much time.

When I was together, I didn't know that I would think so. After returning home, he realized that he missed her so much.

Thinking of seeing Hua Jingxun soon, Xie Lingye's heart seemed to jump out.

Xie Lingye kept thinking of Hua Jingxun's name in his heart, let Hua Jingxun wait for him again, wait again.

He will be here soon


Actually, space and time are different. Xie Lingye doesn't know how long it will take to visit Zhongzhou mainland.

No matter how anxious he is, he cannot advance the time.

He only kept thinking in his heart, thinking about letting Hua Jingxun stop any danger.


Mainland China

Since the killing of all the people in the house, Hua Jingxun has become stronger and stronger. She wants to avenge those who are her relatives.

Hua Jingxun started the road of revenge with the little fox.

She shouldn't let go of the killing person.

Hua Jingxun's skill is getting higher and higher, and the sword in her hand is also stained with unknown blood.

Those are the people who should be killed.

The Zhou family and Zhou Daipei were all resolved by Hua Jingxun.

Elder Zhou did not dare to go out hiding in Zizong Academy. Everyone did not expect that Hua Jingxun's ability improved very quickly.

The Ouyang family also participated in the killing, so Hua Jingxun supported an illegitimate child in the Ouyang family.

This illegitimate child of the Ouyang family is also a fierce means to kill the Ouyang family and solve it.

Those who were cruel and cruel in the Ouyang family were also killed.

Hua Jingxun even merged with his mother, and the two reported their father's hatred.

Moreover, the people of the Duanmu family were also killed by Hua Wanrou.

Dare to hurt her daughter, dare to send someone to chase them, they are all enemies, she never let go.

The mother and daughter have joined forces, and they are very capable and unstoppable.

No matter how strong the family is, they dare not provoke Huawan to be soft and quiet.

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