This is a set of unpredictable, very strange footwork, which can exert the most power.

Even if Hua Jingxun does not have Xuan Ling Tower now, she can still use her sword to unify her skills and quickly kill her enemies.

If there are not too many enemies, they will definitely not be Hua Jingxun's opponents.

At this moment, these people angered Hua Jingxun.

All the fighting power of Hua Jingxun was inspired.

It is said that being a mother is stronger. In order to protect her baby, Hua Jingxun has realized the potential in the body, and the sword in his hand is unpredictable.

Watching more and more people fall on the ground, all the people who besiege the flowers are frightened.

Their eyes were frightened by the flowers.

Hua Jingxun coldly said: "If I want to hurt my child, I will kill you."

"Who dares to come to die!"

Hua Jingxun's gaze was fierce and cold, and when she glanced at it, all of them felt a sense of fear and chill.

Hua Wanrou did not give in.

The same is true for the little fox, which uses both paws and teeth, and can kill one or the other.


"Give it to me, I don’t believe she can kill everyone. Give me first grade. Everyone listens. If you sacrifice, your family enjoys first grade. Kill... Let her hand over Xuan Ling Tower. Come……"

"If anyone is afraid of death, the killing order..."

Several major forces had to unite and had to mobilize their subordinates to kill the flowers.


Under such orders, the human sea tactics began...

No matter how strong the two are, the strength will be exhausted.

Hua Jingxun didn't know how much blood was bleeding, but she took good care of the child in her arms.

Hua Jingxun's hands were shaking, and his wrists seemed to be unable to work.

But even so, she stood with her teeth clenched.

Hua Wanrou also almost ran out of energy, and Xuan Li couldn't make it out at all. The little fox lying on the ground couldn't stand up, as if there was only one breath left.

And there are still many enemies...

Hua Jingxun sneered sneeredly, these people really can't deny her Hua Jingxun, and even sent so many strong men to kill them.

But even if she died, she could not be killed.

She and her mother glanced at each other, then walked weakly towards the cliff.

Even if I walk now, I have no energy, but they still walk to the edge of the cliff.

Hua Jingxun glanced at the little fox. She was grateful for the little fox but failed to protect it.

The little fox seemed to understand Hua Jingxun's idea. He dragged himself and moved to the cliff step by step.

As if they knew that Hua Jingxun wanted them to jump off the cliff, it also jumped with them.

Seeing the little fox also moved to the edge of the cliff, Hua Jingxun's tears fell.

When the tears fell, they all carried blood, because there were also scars on her face.

Hua Jingxun tried to hug the little fox, and then held one hand with his mother's.

"Mom, sorry."

"Don't say I'm sorry, my mother can be with her daughter, not afraid of life and death."

Hua Wanrou looked at her daughter with too much emotion in her eyes, but right now, too much language is pale.

Their lives can't be placed in the hands of others. Even if they die, they decide for themselves.

They can jump off the cliff.


When Xie Lingye rushed to the mainland of Zhongzhou, he could feel closer and closer.

His heart is beating fast, he keeps thinking in his heart, let Hua Jingxun wait again.

At this moment, the cry of a child seemed to sound in his ear. The obvious cry made his heart jump.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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