So Xie Lingye didn't mind at all, was he going to kill him?

Today, he is about to open a killing ring, these people are going to die.

What Xie Lingye said just now seems to be resounding on everyone's head with the force of oppression.

Without waiting for them to react, and before they continue to warn Xie Lingye, they feel that they seem to be locked in and can't move?

what's the problem?

They are strong and have never felt such immobility. This immovable feeling makes them feel fear from their hearts, makes them sweat all over, and their hearts are shaking.

Their eyes widened in horror, and their eyes were about to fall.

They looked up at the man floating in the air like this, watching him look at them with contempt, as if watching a group of ants.

They were forced to raise their heads and kept this posture.

This man didn’t do anything and didn’t move, so he could keep them motionless...

How strong should he be?

At this time, all talents began to be afraid, and not just afraid, but a feeling of fear.

Because they can feel the smell of death.

These people can chase Hua Jingxun, and they want to find Xuan Ling Pagoda. They are originally greedy and afraid of death, so this time, their whole body of fear will tremble, but they can’t move, so fear makes them sweat all over the body. , The eyes are about to protrude.

They want to kneel down and beg for mercy, they are scared, they are scared...

A little bit of time passed, and their faces were flushed red, and many people stood and died in fear.

They want to shout, they want to shout, they want to beg for mercy, but it's useless...

They can't do anything now, not even talking.

They will realize that this man is so powerful.

And even if this man wanted to kill them, he wouldn't give them pleasure at all, so that they wouldn't move and feel the fear.

These people have done much more evil and have become accustomed to arrogance and arrogance. They have never encountered such a situation and have not felt fear.

Xie Lingye is not in a hurry to start, he just wants to see these people in fear.

It's too cheap to kill these people.

He wanted to let them feel the fear, and let them know the smell of death.

He dragged his time, looked at them, watching playfully, coldly.

Many of those people can't stand the psychological torture, so they stand and die in fear.

These people were motionless and could only hear breathing sounds, but when the breathing sounds became weaker and weaker, their hearts broke apart.

They have seen countless ways of killing people, and they have never seen it before.

The man floating in the sky is really cruel.

They suddenly regretted that they should not provoke the man.

But this man apparently shot them for Hua Jingxun.

So they regretted that what they shouldn't provoke is Hua Jingxun, they shouldn't be greedy for Xuanling Tower.

Even life is gone, what's the use of Xuanling Tower.

They are accustomed to standing tall, and the strong men in the mainland are getting used to it, and their hearts are becoming more and more greedy, so why are they being pinched by them and stepped on the soles of their feet.

Unexpectedly, there are stronger in this world.

The man didn't know where it came from, but they were all afraid, afraid, and even prayed with humble eyes, would this man let them go.

Even if you don't let them go, killing them will be a pleasure!

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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