Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 5262: Don't make trouble, hug for a while

Hua Jingxun pursed her lips, hesitated, blinked, and gently asked, "Ling Ye, you... are you upset?"

With a helpless smile, Xie Lingye said slightly, hoarsely: "Of course it is uncomfortable, fool."

He was clamoring with pain all over his body, about to explode.

How did he not want to smoke quietly.

His heart hurts and his body hurts.

Hua Jingxun's face was even redder. She could feel what Xie Lingye thought about her, but she still didn't quite understand it.

She hesitated and asked, "You... why are you?"

Asked halfway, Hua Jingxun couldn't say anything, how to let her speak...

Xie Lingye pressed the back of Hua Jingxun's head and kissed her cheek and lips.

His breath is heavy.

Hua Jingxun smelled the breath of Xie Lingye's body, all of which she loved. She was all drunk, her eyes were silky, her eyes were full of love...

Her need for Xie Lingye is also so obvious.

Xie Lingye listened to Hua Jingxun and asked why, he sighed helplessly and said hoarsely: "Fool, you didn’t have a long time after giving birth to a child, you were seriously injured, and your body has not been completely recuperated. How can I be willing to..."

How to be willing to do that to her now.

In order to keep Jingxun's body in mind, Xie Lingye also had to endure.

Upon hearing this sentence, Hua Jingxun seemed to understand that her heart moved at this moment was full of warmth.

She did not know how to express her inner touch, and she tried to kiss Xie Lingye.

Xie Lingye breathed a sigh of relief, "Silly girl, if you do this again, I really can't control it."

She really thought he was very self-controlling!

He used to be indifferent and indifferent, but before he met Hua Jingxun again, he met Hua Jingxun, and his proud self-control did not work.

He also has seven emotions and six desires.

Xie Lingye took a few deep breaths and hugged the flowers quietly and said: "Obey, let me hold for a while, don't make trouble, um..."

Xie Lingye's voice at the moment, with a hoarse, slightly low, particularly sultry.

Hua Jing Xunguang listened to Xie Lingye's voice, and her heart was trembling, and she felt her body softened.

She also obediently leaned in Xie Lingye's arms, no longer unrest.

She also calmed the throbbing of her heart, slowly calming her breath.

Waiting for the two to slowly calm down this throb, Xie Lingye looked at Hua Jingxun tenderly and said: "When the body is better, you have to compensate me well, eh?"

Hua Jingxun naturally understood what this sentence meant. She blushed, her teeth biting her lips, and then nodded.

Xie Lingye looked at Hua Jingxun with such a well-behaved look, his eyes were soft, and his heart was slightly drunk.

This silly girl didn't even know how much he missed her and how much he loved her.

His feelings are not good at speaking with words, but he will express them with actions.

"Good boy, go to sleep, it's midnight."

Hua Jingxun is not sleepy at all now. She cherishes her time with Xie Lingye and sleeps in his arms every night, which makes her heart very firm.

She can sleep very well every time.

But tonight, she also wants to take a good look at Xie Lingye, plus the sentiment just now.

She won't be able to sleep at all.

Xie Lingye reached out and covered Hua Jingxun's eyes. "Close your eyes and fall asleep after a while."

Hua Jingxun nodded and said: "Well, you sleep too, you don't sleep, I don't sleep either."

Xie Lingye looked at Hua Jingxun's stubborn look and smiled, "Okay, sleep together."

After Hua Jingxun fell asleep, Xie Lingye got up in the middle of the night and then went to another room to see his daughter.

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