Zi Zong Academy knew about Xie Lingye's existence, they only thought that Xie Lingye had left Hua Jingxun, otherwise Hua Jingxun had children, why didn't he appear.

In fact, at that time, everyone suspected Hua Jingxun's style.

But no one thought that Xie Lingye was not in this world. He just left helplessly, and he would return.

Even now, people at Zizong Academy don't know how Xie Lingye suddenly appeared.

When Hua Jingxun was expelled from Zizong Academy, Xie Lingye didn't show up. When Hua Jingxun was chased by various people, Xie Lingye didn't show up. How come suddenly?

This man is strong and powerful, everyone has seen it.

Now it suddenly appeared, but it scared everyone in Zi Zong Academy.

Especially those who still hunt down and kill Hua Jingxun are scared.

After hearing that they went back to report the news, they were frightened and some even committed suicide.

It can be seen how terrified Xie Lingye appears and gives them the feeling.

It can be seen how powerful Xie Lingye is.

It was at this time that the heads of the major families were in an emergency meeting to think about countermeasures.

Zi Zong Academy is also afraid.

In particular, Elder Zhou was hated to death by the Zhou family.

The people of the Zhou family are also dying a Zhou Daipei now.

They now want to grab Elder Zhou and kill Elder Zhou, thinking about if Xie Lingye and Hua Jingxun will be punished by then, will it work.

At least don't lose all of their Zhou family.

I heard that so many people on a certain cliff were dead, and Xie Lingye was killed with a single stroke.

"This man is really that strong?"

"No, you don't know, thousands of people chased and killed Hua Jingxun, just at the cliff, almost got Xuan Ling Tower, this man, what's his name... When Xie Lingye appeared, he killed everyone Ok, spike... The guy who came back to report is still the genius of this generation of our family. Now he is sick and scared to commit suicide all day..."

"How could he show up, wasn't Hua Jingxun surrounded by no one before?"

"Who knows, how did it suddenly appear, before Hua Jingxun was chased like that, he had to die several times, and he didn't see this man appear." "Who knows where he went before, thought he left Hua Jingxun, Unexpectedly, this came up suddenly, and there was a big move. He also talked about whoever bullied Hua Jingxun, who would kill him. Those who chase Hua Jingxun's family, he will never let go... "

"You don't know, when Hua Jingxun was about to jump off the cliff, he saw a flash of light, and then two people, a child, and a fox were rescued instantly..."

"He seems to have come down from the sky, we all suspect that he is not human..."


Today, the entire Zhongzhou mainland is discussing Hua Jingxun and Xie Lingye in most places.

Some people are fortunate, but fortunately they did not greedily kill the flowers quietly, just to win Xuan Ling Tower.

Some people think that those families who are bullying should be reorganized and destroyed.

Some people are afraid all day long, the strong are the most respected, Xie Lingye is so strong, want to be the finale, no one can control.


When everyone was frightened, Xie Lingye started to shoot.

Xie Lingye first shot at Zi Zong Academy. When he stepped into Zi Zong Academy, his body was extremely powerful. He used Reiki to stand in the air, and his body's pressure was down. All the disciples of Zi Zong Academy must kneel down.

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