When Elder Zhou left a breath, the Dean of Zi Zong Academy came out.

"Thank you, Lord, please be merciful."

Xie Lingye saw the appearance of Dean Lin, his eyes gleamed with ice, and he smiled coldly: "It turns out that the dean of our Zizong Academy has finally shown up, and the dean of Lin in the Central China mainland is also saying it. Unbelievable, betrayal villain, I Xie Lingye really saw it."

Upon hearing these words, Dean Lin changed his face: "Xie Lingye, Hua Jingxun was expelled, also because she violated the rules. According to the rules of the college, she was indeed expelled."

Xie Lingye snorted, "Is it going to be chased after being expelled?"

After saying this, Xie Lingye didn't want to have any more nonsense, he said directly: "Today, I think, I can teach Elder Lin, what is the rule, when Elder Lin poisoned and assassinated your master and brother, Taking the position of the dean of the Zongzong Academy, you shelter Elder Zhou and let him do evil in the college, it is just that he is your illegitimate child..."

Xie Lingye stepped in the air and spoke very loudly. He could ensure that everyone in the trainees could hear the words.

Elder Lin listened to Xie Lingye's words, angered and stunned, his eyes widened in shock.

He could hardly believe, how could Xie Lingye know this?

His face was pale.

The disciples who are still alive at Zizong Academy all stared at their eyes, and obviously did not believe the news.

Are the old dean and young master killed by Dean Lin?

Everyone looked at Dean Lin's eyes, so shocked, their eyes were about to fall out.

This... this is hard to believe, Dean Lin is actually such a person.

Dean Lin was trembling with rage, "You...you're going to spit blood here!"

Xie Lingye sneered. He looked at Dean Lin like this, his eyes narrowed dangerously.

At the beginning, he completed the first-level mission of the college and found the only blind medicinal material, so that the dean Lin was always ill.

At first, he agreed to make Zi Zong Academy a protective umbrella for flowers.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he was away from Zhongzhou mainland, he let anyone expel Hua Jingxun from the college.

He was fired, but he let the student disciples kill Hua Jingxun.

He was very angry, but the light had killed Zi Zong Academy how to relieve gas, he naturally wanted to let Dean Lin also taste the smell of being abused by everyone.

Because he killed President Lin directly, he was cheaper.

He hadn't thought about investigating the dean Lin before, but this time, when he investigated, it was really a problem.

Seemingly afraid that everyone would not believe it, Xie Lingye directly crushed the record spar, which was left by an old man who was loyal to the old dean.

But at the time, the old man was not capable of revenge for the old dean.

After being picked up by Xie Lingye, the old man naturally gave the spar to Xie Lingye.

Today, Xie Lingye shows the contents of the spar records in front of all the disciples of Zizong Academy.

Everyone was shocked to find that the old dean and the son of the old dean were killed by Dean Lin.

At this moment, everyone looked at Dean Lin so cold, so disdainful, and so unbelievable.

Chief Lin shivered, "I'm fighting with you..."

Saying that, the profound energy of Dean Lin's whole body came out and wanted to shoot Xie Lingye.

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