In a castle on a small island, Zi Lingxi lives like a princess in a castle.

She can see many beautiful views of the island from the window above.

In fact, Zi Lingxi knew that she was not a princess, she was just picked up by that person.

To be exact, it was saved.

If it wasn't for the person who brought her back, she might still be picking up bottles and garbage outside to sell money.

Because at that time, she was young, less than 18 years old, and child labor was not allowed in the society. She could not find a place to work or make money.

She was so eager to learn that it was also that person who subsidized her and allowed her to continue studying.

In fact, even now, she doesn't know why that person helped her.

Although he looked cold and hard to talk, she knew that he was very good and that every time she saw him, her heart could not help but throb.

This is a little secret in her heart.

She knew that he was so noble and elegant, so extraordinary, and her identity must be very noble.

But she...

So Zi Lingxi knew that she had to work hard, study hard, get the best grades, and work hard to become better, so that the gap between them could be narrowed.

When she was thirteen, she was brought back by him.

But she sees him very few times a year.

She looked at the bright sunlight outside and began to enter the summer.

But she is waiting for the college entrance examination results, waiting to check the college entrance examination results.

Although she knows that the grades should be good, she is still very nervous because she wants to take the best grades and go to the best school in the country.

She was even wondering if he had the best score, he would come to the castle to see her.

In the past few years, she has worked hard to become better.

She is not a very smart person, but she is particularly hard working in school.

At that time, that person wanted to send her to a noble school. She insisted on studying in a public school because the tuition was not so expensive.

She boarded, and only returned to the island when she was in the room.

She was reluctant to spend money, and she was very plain, and her schoolmates didn't know her background.

She learns late every night and gets up early the next day.

For questions that she won't do, she will do it a few more times. She has done all the papers she has done three times. For questions she won't do, or missed questions, she will do it five times ten times...

She increased the speed of the questions.

She also runs morning exercises every day, just to improve physical fitness, so that when her learning intensity increases, her physical fitness can keep up.

When others play, she learns, and when others want to fall in love early, she hides the secret in her heart, studies hard, and tries to stand on tiptoe to get close to him.


Huang Luoxiu went to various places every year to inspect the situation in various places.

As the heir to the Black Dragon Party, his parents don't care much about things. He has a lot of things to do.

Today, at the local branch of the t country, Huang Luoxiu just finished the meeting. When he came out, I heard someone in the corridor seemed to be discussing something.

"The results of the college entrance examination today, isn’t your girl this year? Did you find out the score? Which school are you going to..."

"Oh, there are still ten minutes to get results, I am waiting to check the results, and I am very nervous now..."


Huang Luoxiu listened to these words, his expression moved, it seems that a certain girl, this year's college entrance examination.

She seemed to study well, and she didn't know how to take the exam.

In fact, Huang Luoxiu didn't care about Zi Lingxi's results. Even if Zi Lingxi failed the exam, he could arrange a good school for her.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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