Zi Lingxi thinks that Cha Qingluo has read a lot of novels.

She didn't take it seriously, she said to Cha Qingluo: "I will report there first."

Cha Qingluo'ao nodded, but her eyes fell on the man.

Cha Qingluo stood and looked at it all the time, thinking, this person looked gentle and jade, and Qing Jun Shu Lang, like the mountain stream Baixue, did not look like she was going to destroy her dad's little gang.

Cha Qingluo thought, was it something wrong with her own mind?

Just when she was thinking like this, a scene flashed in her mind that his father’s gang was destroyed. The day when the thunderstorm was added, this figure was standing in front of a group of people, holding each one in their hands. Wearing heavyweight weapons.

"Master, your task is to save your family business so that you can live..."

Hearing this voice, Cha Qingluo was crying again without tears. This was not a fake, nor was she reading a lot of novels. It was true that such a system appeared in her mind, constantly reminding her of this problem.

It was from the end of the college entrance examination that such a system appeared in her mind.

Tea plucked her lips, "What's his name?"

"His name is Nan Jiateng."

After saying this, the system in my head would not speak.

Cha Qingluo Rao is used to being a female man on weekdays, but she doesn't have much emotional experience, so this time, EQ is on the way, I don't know how to do it.

The possible breakthrough is this Nanjia Teng.

Is she trying to have a good relationship with this person? Maybe he let go of her father's gang.

She remembered that her father said that the Black Dragon Party is the real global boss, but the Black Dragon Party is now low-key and retired. No one knows where the current power of the Black Dragon Party is distributed. help.

She knew that her father attached great importance to his brothers, so she could not ignore her father!

Cha Qingluo stood on the spot and took a deep breath.

Miss her man, after the college entrance examination, but decided to be a lady in college, so she constantly hinted that she wants to be a lady, and must not expose her nature.

Cha Qingluo constantly thought of various ways of talking up, but she didn't know that she looked at Nan Jiateng's eyes at the moment, just like the wolf looked at the prey, it was bright and bright, with a strong current.

Cha Qingluo thought about her previous way of talking up, it seemed to be a fist, or she went up and patted the other person's shoulder, screaming buddy?

No... no... this is the way of the female man, she wants a lady, a lady.

Moreover, this Nan Jiateng looked tall at first sight, and she stood in front of him, as if she only reached his chin?

At first glance, Nan Jiateng was tall and long with long legs.

As the chairman of the student union, Nan Jiateng arranges everything for freshmen to enroll.

This is the first day for freshmen to formally enter school. Nan Jiateng is also busy with the students' check-out. He is worried about everyone's doubts or things that he can't get too busy.

But when he was talking to a classmate, he suddenly felt an unusual sight.

Nan Jiateng's family background is special and he has received special training, so his perception is very keen.

He turned around and quickly caught the source of his sight.

When he saw a girl, he froze.

This girl can't tell how beautiful it is. The facial features are pretty, but she has big eyes.

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