Nan Jiateng thought that Cha Qingluo's brain circuit may really be different from ordinary people.

Neither speaking nor thinking is on a channel.

Nan Jiateng looked deeply at Cha Qingluo, and met her big, smart eyes, he really didn't know what to say.

He also seems to be thinking about the vocabulary, how to persuade tea to dill.

"Cha Qingluo, there must be feelings between men and women in order to be male and female friends, do you understand?"

Cha Qingluo nodded, "Well, there are feelings!"

Nan Jiateng sighed helplessly and couldn't say anything else.

Because through today's understanding, he knows what kind of character Cha Qingluo is.

He said one thing, she always had countless sentences to answer, and the answer would be the same.

Suddenly Nan Jiateng felt that he couldn't eat anymore. He stood up and walked out.

Mo Qingluo watched him go out and said, "You haven't finished your meal yet!"

"Stop eating."

Cha Qingluo stepped forward and grabbed Nan Jiateng's arm and said: "It's shameful to waste food. Who knows how to eat Chinese food, all the grains are hard. You don't know how easy it is for food."

She had lived with her grandparents in the country before. They were as old as they were. They were still working. When the weather was hot in summer, they had to go to work in the field. Their suntanned skin was dark and sweaty all the time.

When it's cold, they will also go to the mountains to gather up the grass so that they can go back to burn the fire.

So Cha Qingluo cherishes food and food.

She can spend more on food, but she will eat everything she buys.

She will not waste.

She couldn't control others, but Nan Jiateng, she didn't want him to waste.

She subconsciously wanted Nan Jiateng to be a person who cherishes food.

That's how it fits his image.

When Nan Jiateng heard Cha Qingluo say this, he was suddenly touched.

He paused, turned his head to look at Cha Qingluo, saw the earnest and persistent light in her eyes, and thought about what she had just said, if he moved.

Perhaps Cha Qingluo said so much, and only this sentence made Nan Jiateng deeply touched.

He felt the strength on his arm and looked down. He found that Cha Qingluo clutched his arm tightly with his two hands, and he looked like he was not allowed to leave after eating.

A glare flashed through Nan Jiateng's eyes, and then he smiled gently.

This time the smile was pure, the smile was up to my eyes.

"it is good."

In one word, Nan Jiateng's footsteps were taken back, and then he sat down at the dining table again, and began to eat the food that had not been eaten.

Cha Qingluo also continued to eat, she should not waste food.

Thinking of grandparents, Cha Qingluo was sad.

Grandpa and grandma disappeared when she was ten years old, and then his father gradually established a small gang.

At that time, her father had a little money, but it was a pity that grandparents were gone.

Sometimes my father is drunk, and he will say a sentence in his mouth, "The child wants to raise but the relatives are not there."

Sometimes, when my father said this, he would cry.

Therefore, she tried to make her sunny, so that her father might be happier.

Grandparents also hope that she will be a girl who radiates sunshine.

She could understand her father's feelings, but when she wanted to be filial to her grandparents, they were gone.

Therefore, she has to work hard to keep her father's little gang. No matter what the system says is true or false, she takes it seriously and she will have a good relationship with Nan Jiateng.

She will keep her loved ones.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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