Cha Qingluo did not expect that Nan Jiateng would suddenly speak to her in such serious words.

And his eyes are so deep.

Cha Qingluo was really ignorant.

What about that soft Nanjia Teng?

Cha Qingluo blinked, then smiled brightly, and took out a drink from behind, "Nuo, this is my purpose to get close to you. The weather is quite hot. I brought you a drink. After drinking, you can refresh."

With that, Cha Qingluo handed the drink to Nanjiateng as if it were a treasure.

Cha Qingluo blinked a pair of innocent eyes, blinking hard, with a clear light, bulging his cheeks, a cute and cute look.

This kind of tea pouring dill, even if it is not so beautiful, is cute and flexible.

Looking at such tea pouring, Nan Jiateng sighed in his heart.

Maybe he thought too much.

It was not a question he suspected, but because when he was in his tens, various detailed works began to appear around him, approaching his purpose.

And together with the classmates, he was at the same table arranged by other forces in order to make him specifically approach him.

So when Cha Qingluo does not play cards according to common sense, Nan Jia Teng will inevitably be a little puzzled.

Of course, if you really doubt, Nan Jiateng will not directly ask the exit.

He would observe quietly, or maybe he knew that Cha Qingluo had no purpose, so he would ask directly, and then let himself no longer doubt.

Cha Qingluo looked at Nan Jiateng without speaking, and said with some pitiful beeps: "You see I have been holding drinks for a long time, my arms will be sour."

With that, Cha Qingluo grabbed Nan Jiateng's hand, then put the drink in Nan Jiateng's hand, and quickly let go.

Nan Jiateng instinctively grabbed the drink.

Cha Qingluo smiled brightly at Nan Jiateng, "This drink is delicious."

Cha Qingluo smiled, as if very happy.

When Cha Qingluo really laughed, it was very contagious.

Nan Jiateng looked at Cha Qingluo's smile, and all had a feeling of being dazzled by the sun

Nan Jiateng has never seen such a pure sunshine smile.

His dusty eyes flashed a glimmer of light, and his eyes were complex and deep.

Cha Qingluo couldn't see what Nan Jiateng thought.

Perhaps she was also careless and would not think about what others would think.

She is still attached to her own way.

Cha Qingluo couldn't see Nan Jiateng's thoughts and didn't smile when he looked at Nan Jiateng.

She thought Nan Jiateng was not happy, she said: "Nan Jiateng, if you are not at ease, afraid of what purpose I am close to you, you will let me in your sight, so that you can watch every moment Look at me and see if I have another purpose."

Cha Qingluo thinks this idea is very good.

After she finished speaking, she blinked her clear eyes and looked forward to Nan Jiateng expectantly.

Nan Jiateng listened to Cha Qingluo's words, his mouth moved, and his eyes deepened.

Just now, he almost failed to control his strength and squeezed all the beverage bottles.

Nan Jiateng said lightly: "I don't doubt you."

"Don't, I think it's better to doubt my purpose, so you can observe me more and look at me more."

Cha Qingluo said with care.

Nan Jiateng had turned around and was busy. Cha Qingluo bounced around Nan Jiateng like a rabbit.

Nan Jiateng couldn't ignore Cha Qingluo.

Later he could only sigh and took a chair next to him, "Sitting here, I still have something to tell everyone."

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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