Cha Qingluo is the kind of person who can drive the topic very much, and she is the kind of person who talks so vigorously that the three of them haven't been sleepy until more than one in the morning.

Liu Ningning used to learn a little bit more every day when he was in high school, but he has never been in bed chatting so late.

But there is a novel feeling.

She felt that she hadn't said so much to people in a long time.

She felt that many of her thoughts in her heart could be told.

There is a hearty feeling in her heart.

She was actually very happy. When she first went to college, she met two good roommates.

She talked about the things she used to go to school, and about the hardships she used to eat. Zi Lingxi and Cha Qingluo would not discriminate against her, but would instead look at her with an admiring look.

She will not feel out of place.

When she was going to sleep, tea poured in the bed and opened her eyes.

She actually missed her parents in her heart.

Every time she misses her parents, she will turn into motivation and tell her that she needs to continue to study hard.

In the next two days, Cha Qingluo continued to find Nan Jiateng.

Zi Lingxi and Liu Ningning would go to the library to have a look together and go to the cafeteria to eat together.

Zi Lingxi also frequently sent messages to Huangluo.

These two days she posted very frequently, almost all live broadcast her life to Huang Luoxiu.

Huang Luoxiu said that after spending more time with Zi Lingxi, he would really take the time to spend more time with Zi Lingxi and say a lot with her.

So in these two days, Zi Lingxi spent almost chatting with Huang Luoxiu.

After Zi Lingxi knew that Liu Ningning didn't have a mobile phone, she actually wanted to buy a mobile phone directly for Liu Ningning.

But Liu Ningning did not want to accept other people's gifts.

She is not the kind of person who compares.

She said she planned to buy a mobile phone after earning money after working part-time in college.

Zi Lingxi still wanted to help Liu Ningning, so she specially charged up the phone bill, and after giving up the phone bill, she gave away a mobile phone.

She said to Liu Ningning: "I was going to charge my phone bill. This is a gifted mobile phone with a card in it. It can be used for free for half a year. You need to use it first, wait for you to buy a mobile phone and then use your mobile phone. When I can’t find you from the bathroom that day, I can call you..."

Ziling Xisheng was afraid that Liu Ningning would not use it and found many reasons.

Liu Ningning knew that Zi Lingxi was kind, she was very grateful, and then she took her phone.

Liu Ningning didn't use her mobile phone at all, and Zi Lingxi taught her patiently.

After Liu Ningning could use a mobile phone and typed skillfully, she remembered Luo Yanxiao that day.

The mobile phone number is still there.

Zi Lingxi said that after knowing the mobile phone number and searching, you can add friends to the communication tool and chat with traffic on weekdays.

Liu Ningning originally wanted to add Luo Yanxiao's number.

But when he thought of this idea, Liu Ningning's face changed.

She thought of her parents and she hurriedly stopped many thoughts in her heart.

She came to university to study. She cannot be fooled by the present flashiness, nor can she lose her heart.

She is different from everyone. She comes from the country. She must study hard to change everything, so that she can afford her parents' contributions.

Take a deep breath, Liu Ningning put the phone away, and then continued to pick up the book to read.

She used the student ID to borrow books from the library and she wanted to learn more.

Zi Lingxi watched Liu Ningning work so hard, and then went to the library to borrow books to read.

She can't forget her idea of ​​becoming good.

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