The voices of these boys were not too big or small, and Liu Ningning could hear just a few words.

So she also heard that Luo Yanxiao is going to sing this evening to welcome the party.

Luo Yanxiao is also a freshman in this class?

When Liu Ningning was thinking, she felt nervous when the boys went out.

She didn't know why she was nervous.

Liu Ningning lowered his head, and he all wanted to lower his head to the ground.

She didn't expect to meet Luo Yanxiao in the library.

Her breath was holding her breath. She lowered her head and looked at the other side.

She listened to the footsteps and the sound. The boys did not seem to borrow books, as if they were reading in the library.

They gradually walked out of the library door.

Seeing them walk out of the library door, Liu Ningning's heart was quietly relieved.

But it was slightly lost.

She didn't know what she was missing.

Just when Liu Ningning was in a mixed mood, the several girls in line in front started talking in a whisper.

"It's him. His name is Luo Yanxiao. Our champion is also the character of our high school. The captain of the basketball team not only learns well, looks handsome, but also knows more..."

"Ah, yesterday I went to the playground to see how he played basketball. It's really cool!"

"You see how he walked just now, they all feel very cool and handsome, and the sportswear he wears is also a limited edition custom made and expensive..."

"Everyone's welcome party tonight, everyone will go to watch it. He can sing nicely. If you listen to it, you know that if he takes the music path, he will have a concert..."


Listening to these words, Liu Ningning's complexion changed.

She feels that she and the people here are not in a world. She can only change everything by studying hard.

And they can get everything they want without actually doing anything?

This is the gap.

But she does not envy others.

Her parents are very good, parents are not easy, but they do their best to give her love and treat her as proud.

Her brothers and sisters are also very good and have always respected her sister.

Use her as an example.

Thinking of her parents, brothers and sisters, Liu Ningning's eyes softened. She was no longer humble. She was full of gratitude in her heart. She cherished everything she had and did not envy others. Soon, the team came to her, Liu Ningning took out the student card and borrowed the book, took a deep breath, and then went out with a satisfied look.

For her, the book is her spiritual world.

When he just walked out of the door, Liu Ningning saw Luo Yanxiao standing not far away.

Seeing this person for a moment, Liu Ningning froze, and seemed to have forgotten the reaction.

Why is he here?

This is the most instinctive doubt in Liu Ningning's mind, and her eyes looked at Luo Yanxiao in a daze.

Luo Yanxiao is talking to several boys.

One of the boys seems to have noticed Liu Ningning, he hit Luo Yanxiao with his arm, "Look, that girl is looking at you, the other girls are too shy to see you Stuck to you."

Luo Yanxiao snorted, unconcerned, he was annoyed by such things.

But when he turned around and saw Liu Ningning inadvertently, he froze.

Isn't that... isn't he the girl who hit the ball that day and was sent to the infirmary?

In fact, when the boy ridiculed and talked, Liu Ningning heard it. She turned pale, and when she reacted to leave quickly, she just caught Luo Yanxiao's eyes.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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