Cha Qingluo thought of Nan Jiateng in his mind, thinking, did this person and Nan Jiateng belong to the Student Union?

Cha Qingluo will find out that she really doesn't know anything about Nan Jiateng, only that he is the president of the student union.

I don't know what he is studying, whether there are good friends around him, he is busy every day except for the student union.

Thinking of this, Cha Qingluo suddenly started thinking about Nan Jiateng, his expression was a little erratic, and Nan Jiateng was in his mind.

She seemed to think of something, her eyes lit up, and then she picked up her phone and quietly sent a message to Nanjia Teng.

"Nan Jiateng, we are at the first class meeting, what are you doing?"

In fact, if this meeting is not a class meeting, Cha Qingluo can run to Nanjia Teng.

She has always been a resolute person, and she always wants to do whatever she wants.

At this time, she really wanted to run to Nan Jiateng. She didn't have to do anything for the freshman to report this afternoon, and she didn't know what he would do, what was he doing?

Cha Qingluo thought, sitting on the stool, like sitting on a needle felt, could not sit still.

Ji Chengxuan's eyes fell on Cha Qingluo, looking at this cheating look, and felt quite funny.

It's hard to imagine a girl who looks so delicate and can eat it.

And the expression on her face was confused and was really interesting.

He rarely sees so many rich expressions on a person's face.

Ji Chengxuan thought that this girl was quite interesting, no wonder that Nan Jiateng could be treated differently.

Ji Chengxuan did not know that Nan Jiateng was so helpless because of Cha Qingluo's cheeky face and ancient spirit.

After Cha Qingluo sent a message to Nan Jia Teng, he didn't see a reply for a while.

She was a little unhappy at once.

Cha Qingluo looked at the phone vigorously, waited patiently for a while, and then sent a few expression bags.

But still no reply.

Cha Qingluo felt that Nan Jiateng couldn't not watch the phone!

Of course, at this time, Nan Jiateng was busy with the welcome party at night, so he didn't look at his cell phone.

Naturally, I did not know that Cha Qingluo sent him a message, and he was still scratching his head anxiously!

Nan Jiateng did not realize that Cha Qingluo would send him a message.

After all, what's the matter with Cha Qingluo, he would come directly to his kind.

You won't know what is implicit at all.

Zi Lingxi also sent a message to Huang Luoxiu, telling him that the class meeting was starting, and there was a welcome party in the afternoon.

Huang Luoxiu replied, "Got it."

Seeing these three words, Zi Lingxi didn't know what more information to send.

Huang Luoxiu actually wanted to see him at night, but Zi Lingxi didn't know.

So the next class meeting, Zi Lingxi was not in a mood to listen.

Liu Ningning watched that both Zi Lingxi and Cha Qingluo were busy using their mobile phones to send messages, but she was also somewhat envious.

I think there is a person who can send a message and share a message, but it is actually a joy.

She looked at the book on the table silently, and she was distracted.

After Ji Chengxuan took the podium, he introduced himself first, and then everyone had a routine failure. Then, he let the students in the class introduce themselves one by one, so that everyone could understand each other.

According to the order of seats, everyone started to introduce themselves one after another.

"Hello everyone, my name is... from... the character is... I like dancing and painting on weekdays..."

"Hello everyone.........His hobby is mountain climbing...traveling..."

Everyone came on stage confidently and introduced themselves, almost every one was versatile.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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