Ji Chengxuan shouted several times in the class, but no one answered.

Ji Chengxuan's face is not very good, "Did't you come?"

"Senior, it seems that she is going to attend the orientation party tonight. There is a rehearsal for the program, so she didn't come.

Ji Chengxuan nodded and looked better, "Since this is the case, did she ask someone to ask her for leave?"

Although he felt that the name Yang Manqin seemed familiar, he forgot where he had heard it.

He was pretty sure no one asked him for leave.

The freshman who just arrived didn't take the class into consideration, and Ji Chengxuan's face was still not good.

No one in the class said anything, and no one asked for leave.

Cha Qingluo whispered and whispered in Zi Lingxi's ear: "I think this Yang Manqin is like playing a big name."

Zi Lingxi raised her eyebrows, then smiled, the meaning of the eyes is self-evident.

Cha Qingluo thought for a while and said: "Indeed, she is not a big name yet, at least she has not seen her show any ability, but the freshmen can perform at the welcome party, it should be a skill!"

After a pause, Cha Qingluo said: "If Lingxi goes to the show, you will definitely crush them."

Zi Lingxi looked at Cha Qingluo and said: "We just started school and kept a low profile. When there is a party later, such as the New Year's party, maybe we can perform the show."

In fact, no one knows that Zi Lingxi and Cha Qingluo are both versatile, civil, and military.

And each of their specialties, that is the first prize in the country, is not a hobby, but a real talent.

It's just that two people want to be low-key, plus two people decide to be ladies in college, so they don't go to the welcome party.

When Cha Qingluo thought about it, Zi Lingxi was right.

She also doesn't like tossing those shows.

It's a waste of time to toss the show. If there is time, she will go to Nan Jia Teng.

At this moment, Cha Qingluo suddenly seemed to think of something, and she seemed to have forgotten her mobile phone.

She quickly picked up her phone and found that he hadn't answered the information she had sent to Nanjia Teng.

Cha Qingluo was very upset.

Cha Qingluo's teeth were biting her lips, and she wished she could go to get out of class immediately, so she flew to Nanjia Teng.

Cha Qingluo stared at the phone as if to stare out a hole.

She felt that it was not convenient to use her mobile phone to communicate.

She wants to see herself in the future. She doesn't like sending messages. When waiting for a message, she is not so patient.

What Ji Chengxuan said next, Cha Qingluo could not hear it.

The only thing she could hear was, "After class, at five o'clock in the evening, every class leader and party secretary will take everyone to the playground, and there will be a welcome party at night."

Of course, the two words that Cha Qingluo listened to most clearly were after class.

She hated that she could immediately rush out to find Nan Jiateng.

She asked him why he didn't give back the information.

She was very upset.

When Ji Chengxuan said after class and walked out of the classroom, everyone stood up in twos and threes and left the classroom.

At this time, I saw a person running away from the arrow just like a string.

The speed is the same as the wind.

This this……

"Who was that just now? Running so fast, am I blind?"

"Dazzled, this... this wouldn't be any effort?"

"Can I run so fast without effort?"

"That's Cha Qingluo, I feel this classmate is not as simple as it seems..."


No matter what everyone talks about, Cha Qingluo has run out of the classroom.

Zi Lingxi and Liu Ningning decided to go back to the dormitory for a look, because it is now half past three, and they will gather in more than an hour.

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