Hearing Liu Ningning's reminder, Cha Qingluo and Zi Lingxi could not delay any more when they looked at the time, and they hurried to finish their food.

Then go back to the dormitory to clean up, and then gather together with other dormitory people, and then go to the playground to find various teams.

Because it is the school season in September, the days are still relatively long, and it is still bright when it is almost five o'clock.

After the five o'clock meeting, the number of people in each class.

At half past five, all classes began to stand in order, and each class had a banner.

Music is playing throughout the playground.

Listening to the sound of music, it is easy to arouse some thoughts and ripples in people's hearts.

While everyone was restless and talking about various topics with each other, Liu Ningning looked at the poems and excerpts quietly in his hands.

She is memorizing ancient poetry.

Although I don't know what it would do to memorize them, I didn't take these exams when I went to college.

But Liu Ningning always felt that he was standing, empty, wasting time, and always felt empty.

Learning something, even if it is memorizing ancient poetry, she has a very fulfilling feeling.

As Liu Ningning recite the poems, she heard a name in her ear, "Luo Yanxiao."

When she was studying, she would automatically block out all the sounds around her, but it was these three words that had entered her mind, and she couldn't calm down to learn anymore.

"That's Luo Yanxiao. He feels more idol than idol. When he welcomes the new party at night, he will sing."

"I really want to hear him sing. When I walked over there, I heard his voice. It was really magnetic, and it made me enchanted."

"Singing must also be very nice."

"I inquired that he is the computer department and the monitor of their class. I heard that he learned computers because his family started a game company."

"More than that, I heard that his family is very powerful, not just to start a company."


The more I listened, the more inferior Liu Ningning felt.

In fact, she is not so easy to inferiority. She has her books and her spiritual world.

When immersed in learning, she is happy.

But Luo Yanxiao seemed to have sent her into the infirmary from that day and let her see his sunny smile, her heart seemed to live in such a person.

She will follow his news involuntarily.

It seems that she can't control it.

Liu Ningning was not tall and stood in front of the class team, so she could see clearly from the front.

She could see Luo Yanxiao running in front of him. He seemed to have settled his class and went to the stadium.

If he wants to sing, should he also prepare in advance.


Cha Qingluo was also involuntarily looking for the figure of Nan Jiateng.

Cha Qingluo didn't see Nan Jiateng's figure for a while, she was anxious.

Such a party, Nan Jiateng should appear as the president of the student union!

But she never found him.

According to the truth, if Nan Jiateng is so tall and so handsome, she should see him at a glance in the crowd.

Zi Lingxi looked at Cha Qingluo's anxious look and relieved her: "Don't worry, the party will start soon."

Cha Qingluo pouted: "I'm looking for someone."

Zi Lingxi looked, "Are you looking for Nan Jia Teng?"

Cha Qingluo will not hide anything in front of Zi Lingxi.


Zi Lingxi looked at Cha Qingluo's face with a bit of sadness, her mind flashed, "Qingluo, wouldn't you really like him?"

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