Cha Qingluo's heart jumped out of his throat when he recognized Nan Jiateng.

She had to admit that she was shocked.

When Nan Jiateng wore casual clothes on weekdays, he was so handsome and beautiful.

When I was wearing a suit, it was really so amazing, with a sense of dignity, elegance, and peerlessness.

Cha Qingluo could feel her heart pounding, beating again and again.

Her eyes seemed to stick to Nan Jiateng on the stage.

She felt that at this moment, he was so dazzling, bright and dazzling, and her eyes hurt a little.

But she still insisted on watching.

"Nan Jiateng is the president of the Student Union, so handsome!"

"It looks so good in a suit..."

"I don't know what his voice is when he speaks, it must be very nice..."

"Ah... Nan Jiateng, the male god..."


Listening to the excited and excited voices of the girls around, Cha Qingluo wasn't very interested.

She has a very strange feeling that she wants to hide Nan Jiateng from anyone, the girls, and the girls.

I don't know why, Cha Qingluo had a feeling that her own things were coveted.

Moreover, what makes her uncomfortable is that Nan Jiateng is standing on the highly anticipated stage, and she is watching him from under the stage.

There was a feeling of being far away, and her heart was sore and uncomfortable.

Cha Qingluo stared at the stage with wide eyes, almost without blinking.

Zi Lingxi listened to the excitement of the people around her, watched Cha Qingluo's reaction, and then looked at the man on the stage.

Even Zi Lingxi had to admit that Nan Jiateng was indeed a big male god.

But she already had Huang Luoxiu in her heart, so she just thought her brother was the best.

But Zi Lingxi listened to the excited voices of the girls around her, and she felt some emotion in her heart. She felt that these voices might be stimulating for Cha Qingluo.

If Nan Jiateng is now Cha Qingluo's boyfriend, it would be useless to scream and excite others.

But now, it seems that Nan Jiateng has also adopted Cha Qingluo as his girlfriend.

Cha Qingluo felt uncomfortable for a while, and then her eyes glowed with a fearless look.

Zi Lingxi looked at such tea dills and felt familiar. This is the real tea dills, not afraid of anything.

Cha Qingluo said to Zi Ling Xi: "I knew that I also performed on stage."

Zi Lingxi knows that Cha Qingluo is a kind of person who does not study very much, but is very clever. She is good at all kinds of musical instruments, and she is good at dancing and singing...

It's just that Cha Qingluo didn't like these specialties before.

Zi Lingxi looked at Cha Qingluo and said, "I think this president is really good. Didn't you say you won it? You can try it."

Just as Zi Lingxi and Cha Qingluo were talking, the two hosts also began to speak.

"Respected leaders, guests, dear teachers, students, good evening..."

Nan Jiateng spoke, and the voice came out through the microphone.

Cha Qingluo listened to this voice and sighed. She felt that she didn't just like Nan Jiateng so much.

She didn't want to watch the party.

Cha Qingluo's complexion changed: "Can I go back to the dormitory, I don't want to watch the party."

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