Hearing Huang Luoxiu's words, Zi Lingxi nodded vigorously.

For her, it doesn't matter whether she eats or not, what is important is that she can get along with Huang Luoxiu.

She seemed to haven't seen him for several days, and it always felt like a long time.

Huang Luoxiu looked at Zi Lingxi's bright eyes and thought she wanted to eat.

He remembered that this girl was still very edible, and seemed to be a foodie.

It’s not bad to have a foodie sister.

Huang Luoxiu thinks that girls should be so cheerful and lively, like to eat and not like to play.

Watching Zi Lingxi nod, Huang Luoxiu took Zi Lingxi out of the school.

Zi Lingxi followed Huang Luoxiu.

She found that Huang Luoxiu deliberately slowed down while walking, waiting for her to follow.

In fact, every time Zi Lingxi is with Huang Luoxiu, she always hopes that the time will be slower. She can get along with Huang Luoxiu.

Zi Lingxi didn't walk very fast. She stood side by side, her head only reaching Huang Luoxiu's shoulder, so she looked down at Huang Luoxiu's hand.

She couldn't help but want to put her hand on Huang Luoxiu's palm.

She wanted to walk with him holding hands.

She thought so, her heart was beating violently.

Zi Lingxi's heartbeat was fast because she had a feeling of guilty conscience.

She thought of the free will and courage of Cha Qingluo, she took a deep breath, then quietly and quietly put her hand to Huang Luoxiu's hand.

Huang Luoxiu originally asked Zi Lingxi what he wanted to eat, but he didn't see Zi Lingxi answering for a while.

He stopped and looked at her sideways, "what is he thinking, why not talk?"

Huang Luoxiu suddenly stopped, and suddenly spoke, suddenly making Zi Lingxi recover.

After Zi Lingxi recovered, she realized what she was about to do and flushed.

Fortunately, at night, Huang Luoxiu should not see it.

Zi Lingxi reacted very quickly and immediately found a reason, "I was thinking about the party just now."


"Well, that's the male host, the president of our student union. A girlfriend of mine often goes to him, but at the party today, I saw him playing a piano ensemble with another girl."

In fact, Zi Lingxi didn't know what to say. She thought of it here, and then talked casually.

Huang Luoxiu heard Zi Lingxi say this, and looked, "Nan Jiateng?"

Huang Luoxiu has the ability to remember, and has a good memory, so he listened to the name on the stage and remembered it.

Not to mention the Nan family, he is no stranger.

"Well, it seems to be the name."

Huang Luoxiu said: "The younger master of the Nan family, now the heir of the Nan family, has good ability. The girl who ensembles with his piano and flute is the gold of the Yang family, and the two are friends. They were previously engaged and may be cancelled later. Now."

The reason why he knows about the Nan family is because the Nan family also involves the Gang and Dao gangs.

When the Black Dragon Party dominated the world before, it suppressed all the black forces.

More than two decades ago, the Black Dragon Party retired in a low-key manner, and this led to the rapid rise of all forces. Among them, the Nan family is the strongest, crossing the black and white.

I did not expect the young master of the Nan family to go to school.

Zi Lingxi was shocked when Huang Luoxiu talked about it. It turned out that there was still such a thing.

Is she going to tell Cha Qingluo when she goes back?

Don't worry about letting tea pour in.

As everyone knows, when Cha Qingluo and Liu Ningning walked to the dormitory, they saw Zi Lingxi and Huang Luoxiu.

Cha Qingluo looked closely, "That's Zi Lingxi, and the people around her, wouldn't it be her mysterious brother?"

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