Huang Luoxiu listened to Zi Lingxi and sighed, "Silly girl, no matter how powerful, I am also your brother."

He could hear it. When Zi Lingxi said this, his tone was uneasy.

Huang Luoxiu said the meaning of this sentence, but also wanted to give Zi Lingxi a sense of security, and did not want to make this girl cranky.

He knew that maybe there were no loved ones, maybe he was adopted, which would make Zi Lingxi very sensitive, so he also tried to let Zi Lingxi know that he has always been her loved one and will not leave her insecure.

Huang Luoxiu is only in front of Zi Lingxi. His mind is delicate and will take care of all her emotions.

In front of others, Huang Luoxiu was not so careful.

Zi Lingxi listened to Huang Luoxiu's words and was both happy and sad.

Huang Luoxiu didn't understand her mind at all, she wanted more than her brother, she was greedy for another level.

She wants to be Huang Luoxiu's girlfriend. She wants to be truly intimate...not just the relationship between her brother and sister.

But she was thinking this way, and she couldn't tell Huang Luoxiu at this time.

She was afraid to say that even her brother and sister could not do it.

She was very afraid, so she was so careful to hide her thoughts, so that Huang Luoxiu would not find out.

But she was entangled again.

She thought, if Huang Luoxiu knew, would she be willing to transform her relationship with her brother and sister into something else?

When Zi Lingxi got in the car, she saw her in the car mirror.

How she thinks she still looks like a student now.

She wanted to become that kind of intellectual and elegant woman.

It's the kind of look that makes a woman look at a glance.

She may need a little change.

But she saw herself when she was taking a bath, and she should have some.

After getting in the car, Zi Lingxi looked at Huang Luoxiu in the driver's seat and thought he was so handsome and elegant.

Zi Lingxi felt that she was hopeless.

She really thinks her brother is good.

Even the appearance of driving is awesome.

Huang Luoxiu drove the car, and when he drove to the restaurant, on the way, he felt Zi Lingxi's sight and looked at her sideways, "What's wrong?"

When Huang Luoxiu and Zi Lingxi were together, they took good care of her emotions, and also carefully paid attention to her ideas.

Zi Lingxi pursed her lips without thinking, "Thinking about what kind of girl my brother likes?"

After saying this, Zi Lingxi held his breath.

She realized afterwards and carefully considered whether she should not say this.

Because the car is very quiet at once.

Huang Luoxiu looked at the road ahead, listening to this sentence and thinking.

Did the girl go to college and start thinking about emotional matters?

Huang Luoxiu thought that the girl should want to fall in love.

He sighed inwardly for a long time. I don't know why. He felt a little melancholy in his heart. Maybe there was a feeling that my family had grown up.

It really grew up!

Started to have the girl's mind.

In terms of feelings, he is a man, and he does not know how to educate Zi Lingxi.

Zi Lingxi looked at Huang Luoxiu's complexion and did not speak, and her heart was tense. She bit her lip with her teeth and said carefully: "Brother, I'm sorry, I...I shouldn't be Ask this question."

At a red light intersection, Huang Luoxiu temporarily stopped the car. He touched the hair of Zi Lingxi with one hand. "Fool, there is nothing to ask or not to ask. My brother is just thinking about emotional issues. Things, how to tell you."

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