Zi Lingxi was sitting on the co-pilot. She heard every word and every word her brother said very clearly.

be yourself?

In fact, she likes to listen to her brother. Every time he listens to her, she feels very comfortable and will feel a sense of comfort in her heart.

Since he was her brother, he has been indulging her and protecting her.

Zi Lingxi sometimes thinks, if she is not sensible, will she be indulged by Huang Luoxiu?

She shook her head, too.

After all, from the age of thirteen to the present, Huang Luoxiu spends very little time with her, and she will not be indulged.

What Huang Luoxiu told her was actually teaching her some truth.

Just the conversation just now, she could not detect anything at all.

Huang Luoxiu's feelings for her may really be the brother's feelings for her sister.

Because of careful testing, Zi Lingxi's mood is not very good.

If anyone feels that Huang Luoxiu is different from her, she may follow the trend and may express her feelings.

But now she dare not.

She was afraid that even her brother and sister would not be able to do it.

But she can often come out with her brother, eat together, and see him, she is very happy.

She was afraid that she could not see her brother.

Soon, the car reached the door of the restaurant.

A huge shopping mall restaurant is located on this street, and the entire building is an industry under the name of the Black Dragon Party.

Huang Luoxiu took Zi Lingxi out of the car and there was a staff at the door to park.

After Zi Lingxi got off the bus, she looked at the luxurious place, and her eyes flashed with wonder.

Although she has been to many places to eat, Huang Luoxiu will occasionally take her out to eat, but she has never been to such a luxurious place.

On the island, she is used to the place of the castle.

But outside, she was still somewhat restrained.

Huang Luoxiu looked at Zi Lingxi in a daze, couldn't help but stretched his hand and flicked Zi Lingxi's head, "Don't stand here silly, let's go in and eat."


Zi Lingxi conditioned his head to cover his head. In fact, Huang Luoxiu's movement was very soft and soft, and his eyes were soft.

Zi Lingxi reacted slowly in front of Huang Luoxiu, and became stupid involuntarily.

After waiting for a recovery, Zi Lingxi thought, next time, she must be a little bit spoiled and cannot react as childish as a child.

Zi Lingxi followed Huang Luoxiu into the restaurant.

Because Huang Luoxiu's identity was originally kept secret, few people can really see him on weekdays.

So when he entered his restaurant, no one found anything.

When Huang Luoxiu directly swiped and ordered the top floor suite, the manager realized Huang Luoxiu's identity, and he didn't know what to say.

He respectfully bowed his head to the ground.

Zi Lingxi looked at Huang Luoxiu, then the restaurant manager, and several managers who hurried down. She was stunned.

Zi Lingxi secretly thought that his brother's identity really looked unusual.

Not even the president of country t can make the restaurant manager of the University of Nuo so trembling?

Zi Lingxi began to speculate on Huang Luoxiu's identity.

But according to the information she knew, there did not seem to be a surname of the emperor.

Huang Luoxiu looked at the management of some management, and frowned: "I'm bringing someone to eat, what should you do?"

The young master spoke, and they dared not to listen.

They dare not look at anything casually.

When Huang Luoxiu walked with Zi Lingxi, they dared to focus their eyes on Zi Lingxi.

It's a girl! The young master personally brought the female to dinner!

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