Liu Ningning looked at Luo Yanxiao and picked up the cell phone, her face was pale.

Although, she feels that this mobile phone is very good, but at the moment, in school, almost no one uses such a brand-name mobile phone!

I don't know how children like Luo Yanxiao will see her.

Although Liu Ningning turned pale in a flash, she quickly calmed her emotions.

Anyway, she is a native girl from the country, she really has a bad family, this phone is still kindly given to her by Zi Lingxi.

She really doesn't need to hide, this is who she really is.

She looked at Luo Yanxiao and found that Luo Yanxiao looked at her cell phone completely curiously, flipping it back and forth.

Liu Ningning's face was very stiff. She thought that the mobile phones used by children of this family should be the best. I haven't seen such a miscellaneous mobile phone?

Liu Ningning took a deep breath and said, "This is my phone."

Luo Yanxiao looked at Liu Ningning's stiff look and said, "I'll save a number and give it to you immediately."

Luo Yanxiao has been very good since his childhood, so he has never seen such a mobile phone.

Of course, with his mentality, he would not know that a girl will have an inferiority mentality.

In his sense world, everyone is free and easy.

He may also not understand an inferiority complex.

He only thought that Liu Ningning was not happy that he took her mobile phone.

Such a miscellaneous brand mobile phone has no unlocking function, and can be used directly by opening it.

Luo Yanxiao was clever. After opening it for a while, he knew how to deposit the number.

However, he found that there were only two people in Liu Ningning's address book, one was Zi Lingxi and the other was Cha Qingluo.

Luo Yanxiao was a bit surprised as he discovered the New World.

Now whose mobile phone address book is not a group of people!

However, he looked at Liu Ningning's uncomfortable complexion, quickly saved it, and then said: "This is my mobile phone number."

In fact, he sighed in his heart. If the girl next to him, after he left the mobile phone number before, it is estimated that he already exists on the mobile phone.

But Liu Ningning didn't have any information on his phone. Obviously he threw his phone number last time.

Liu Ningning looked at the names and mobile phone numbers in the address book and nodded, "I know."

Her cell phone number, in fact, she really memorized it.

She thought, fortunately, it didn't exist on the phone before. If it was saved, wouldn't Luo Yanxiao find it this time?

If it is found, how embarrassing it is, as if private and careful things were discovered.

Luo Yanxiao was afraid that Liu Ningning would throw his number and said: "Liu Ningning, we are friends now, so don't delete it."

After a pause, Luo Yanxiao took Liu Ningning's cell phone again and pressed the dial button.

Luo Yanxiao's cell phone rang, "I know your cell phone number now, we often contact."

Seemingly uneasy again, Luo Yanxiao prepared to let Liu Ningning add him to WeChat.

But he found that Liu Ningning's mobile phone didn't have WeChat software at all, nor could he download it, because this mobile phone could not be connected to the Internet at all.

"What kind of mobile phone do you have, and no function at all."

Luo Yanxiao just said this inadvertently, expressing doubts, but did not know how it felt to hear this sentence in Liu Ningning's ears.

Liu Ningning's face suddenly turned white. She took the phone and picked up her schoolbag and hurriedly left the library.

Luo Yanxiao didn't understand Liu Ningning was just fine, how did he change his face so quickly, "Hey, Liu Ningning, what's wrong with you?"

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