Liu Ningning is a person who particularly understands gratitude.

It is also a very easy person to meet.

Even if someone treats her well, she will be particularly happy and grateful.

Because in the past, she was not very good at communicating with people or talking, few people took care of her feelings, and few people treated her well.

At that time, all she had to do every day was to study and then study.

Now, Luo Yanxiao suddenly appeared, making her feel he cares about her temper.

Whatever the reason, she was a little touched.

Touched, Liu Ningning's brain was hot, and he said: "I will help you inquire about Yang Manqin's preferences."

After saying this, Liu Ningning recovered, wishing he could slap herself.

Why is she so hot in her mind that she said something like this?

She can hardly even see Yang Manqin on weekdays, let alone inquire about her preferences.

Moreover, the man Yang Yangqin looked very arrogant and wondered if he would be willing to talk to her.

She thought she might be talking big.

At this moment, Liu Ningning felt a little nervous.

But Luo Yanxiao obviously would not know what Liu Ningning thought.

He smiled happily because of Liu Ningning's words, "Liu Ningning, I would like to thank you in advance and come back to invite you to dinner."

Liu Ningning pursed her lips, and she did not help Luo Yanxiao to make him thank you, or to ask him to invite him to dinner.

There are also many people reading in the library.

Luo Yanxiao had just spoken, and when he came over, many people had noticed it.

Luo Yanxiao was originally a character at the beginning of school, especially last night's party, let him be known and known by many girls.

Everyone recognized him at once.

"Yes... It's Luo Yanxiao... It's really him, I didn't expect him to come to the library to read!"

"I'm so excited that I could see him in the library, so sunny and handsome."

"Last night, he sang like a man, and if he was a singer, he would definitely be popular all over the world!"

"He smiles really dazzling..."

"No, who the girl is."

"Uh, ugly duckling, look at her worn-out look, her hair is not good, it looks like she hasn't washed her hair..."

"How can she talk to Luo Yanxiao, is it Luo Yanxiao's girlfriend, you see Luo Yanxiao is so gentle when talking to her, and she is smiling..."


Seeing this scene, the girls in the library began to gossip.

The more excited they were to see Luo Yanxiao, the more they rejected Liu Ningning who stood with Luo Yanxiao.

Especially when Liu Ningning was dressed, they made them sneer.

It seems that this is the only way to make the gossip girls feel a little bit happier.

They didn't admit that they were jealous. The jealous duckling could talk to Luo Yanxiao and make Luo Yanxiao laugh.

Liu Ningning's thoughts were already humble, and she also heard some people talking about her at the tip of her ears.

She didn't want to be looked at by everyone like this.

Luo Yanxiao has always been used to attention.

But she has self-knowledge. She knows that she stands here and is seen by people, it is estimated that it is the same as the animals of the zoo.

And what the girls said was really harsh.

She heard a little breathlessly.

Luo Yanxiao was happy because Liu Ningning had just said this, and naturally he would not notice what others said.

He has received much attention since childhood, and he can't be so free and easy if he really listens to others.

So his attention is not on the masses.

"Liu Ningning, what do you like?"

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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