Cha Qingluo wandered around the library for a while and heard the girls around him discussing Luo Yanxiao.

Also said what kind of ugly duckling the girl beside Luo Yanxiao.

Tea Qingluo listened, and immediately became angry, his teeth biting.

Her hand clenched into a fist, and it started to click and clatter.

Can she say that she wants to beat someone?

She wants to fight!

But when Cha Qingluo turned to fight, the two girls walked out while talking.

So she can only suppress the anger temporarily.

When Cha Qingluo wanted to find Liu Ningning again, she found that Liu Ningning was no longer in the library.

She looked back and forth, looking for Liu Ningning, at this time, Liu Ningning also called Cha Qingluo.

Cha Qingluo knew that Liu Ningning was now outside the library.

In fact, after Liu Ningning came out of the library, he tried to calm his emotions according to his beating heart.

She had never felt this way before, and her heart was beating too fast.

She felt that as soon as she faced Luo Yanxiao, her heartbeat would accelerate faster.

She just tried to calm down in order to maintain her indifferent state.

She felt that all the words she had just said and all her reactions were not as normal as she should have.

Liu Ningning began to think about every scene and every sentence from seeing Luo Yanxiao to walking out of the library.

She was thinking, was there something wrong, and where did Luo Yanxiao leave a bad impression?

After struggling for a long time, Liu Ningning found out that time was running out and quickly called Cha Qingluo.

Then the two gathered outside the library.

Cha Qingluo told Liu Ningning about the situation of Zi Lingxi, and then the two went to the classroom of the class meeting.

This time everyone thought it was Ji Chengxuan, the former senior student, to tell them about military training.

This class meeting, everyone is not as quiet as yesterday.

Anyway, they are all familiar, many people started to discuss, and the classroom is full of twittering voices.

Everyone is talking and talking, talking to each other, and the voice is getting louder and noisier.

Before Nan Jiateng arrived in the classroom, he heard the noisy sound inside the classroom.

He frowned, and walked slowly toward the classroom.

When he entered the classroom, most people did not find him.

But when the girls in the front row looked up to see Nan Jiateng, they couldn't help screaming.

"Ah... President..."

The girl had a big decibel, and then everyone heard it, and everyone looked up at the podium.

Most of the girls were excited, and they looked at the podium with bright eyes.

Why did President Nan come to their class classroom?

Yesterday, far away, they saw him on the stage, so elegant and handsome.

At that time, everyone was lost.

At this time, everyone can look at him from a close distance, not excited.

Everyone suppressed the excitement in their hearts and held their breath, watching Nan Jiateng.

When Cha Qingluo saw Nan Jiateng, her body stiffened, and her hands were placed on the notebook, and she was very hard, and she almost tore the notebook.

How is Nanjia Teng?

Didn’t Ji Chengxuan give them a class meeting?

Cha Qingluo thought he was very calm inside, but that was the case of Nan Jiateng.

Seeing Nan Jiateng, she really couldn't keep calm.

At that moment, her heart really missed a beat.

She tried hard to stabilize her heartbeat, but her heartbeat did not listen to her.

She stiffened for a moment and hurriedly lowered her head.

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