Cha Qingluo answered questions in the official language, which made people unable to pick any questions, but answered the same as not answered.

She was just coping with it, she didn't want to answer.

And she lowered her head and did not look at Nan Jiateng.

After answering, Cha Qingluo stood like that, without looking down.

Nan Jiateng's expression changed, and he said, "Well, sit down!"

Yang Manqin looked at Nan Jiateng's expression, and then looked at the tea pouring dill. The corner of his mouth evoked a light arc, and a light flashed under his eyes.

But no one knows what Yang Manqin thought.

She stared at Cha Qingluo for a while, a faint smile in her mouth, her eyes seemed to be disdainful, and she seemed mocking.

Liu Ningning looked back at Yang Manqin because he was thinking about Luo Yanxiao, and saw Yang Manqin's disdainful and mocking look.

Such a look made Liu Ningning feel uncomfortable.

She just glanced at it and turned her head.

In her view, Yang Manqin couldn't compare with Cha Qingluo.

In her view, Cha Qingluo is much more beautiful than Yang Manqin, and Cha Qingluo has a good personality.

Cha Qingluo is just not dressed up.

It must be nice to dress up.

Especially the eyes of Cha Qingluo are the most flexible, as if they can speak.

She remembered that she was a distant cousin, which was very unsightly, but later learned to dress up, and the whole person changed a lot.

She felt that if Yang Manqin was so upright with Cha Qingluo, wearing simple clothes, she certainly would not have the temperament of Cha Qingluo.

But maybe men look at women differently than women look at women.

Men may only look at the surface, right?

Next, Nan Jiateng did not ask any questions, and the class meeting soon ended.

After the class meeting, Nan Jiateng was out of class.

Nan Jiateng said that after class, many people were lingering and did not leave the classroom.

They thought to ask Nan Jiateng some questions alone, so as to talk about it.

In fact, the previous tea pouring method gave many girls some courage.

Cha Qingluo is so sticky, and President Nan is still so good-tempered, so if they ask questions, shouldn't it be okay?

Maybe you can get President Nan's phone.

Not to mention more contact in the future, maybe it will be helpful for entering students.

Most people still have very positive thoughts. Of course, in the face of such handsome and elegant people as Nan Jiateng, many girls are also tempted.

Especially last night's party, Nan Jiateng rose to the rank of idol in everyone's mind.

Cha Qingluo looked at a group of people around Nan Jiateng, pouted, and then pulled Cha Qingluo away from the back door.

Yang Manqin sat there, gazing at Cha Qingluo all the time, his mouth hooked.

Cha Qingluo seemed to feel that, looking back, he looked at Yang Manqin disdainfully.

Cha Qingluo saw such a glance, but felt that his stomach was irritated.

She hates this kind of person who sees people inferiorly.

She put her chin up, snorted, and went out.

Liu Ningning had wanted to say a few words to Yang Manqin in the past, but seeing Cha Qingluo's reaction, she pursed her lips and swallowed back what she was about to say, and left the classroom with Cha Qingluo.

Nan Jiateng politely answered many people's questions, alienated and polite.

Everyone looked at Nan Jiateng's reaction and sighed.

At this time Yang Manqin walked on high heels.

When everyone saw Yang Manqin, he didn't know why, and he automatically gave way.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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