Zi Lingxi listened to Huang Luoxiu's gentle voice, and the whole person was immersed in his voice in a trance, forgetting that she was still in the hospital.

Also forgot to speak.

Huang Luoxiu looked at Zi Lingxi in a silly way, shook her head helplessly, and touched her hair, "Are you hungry?"

Zi Lingxi stretched out her hand to cover her stomach, and then suddenly remembered what happened last night, her face suddenly turned red.

Then she looked around, "Brother, I..."

Zi Lingxi didn't know how to ask.

Huang Luoxiu looked at her puzzled face, "Last night you were taken to the hospital, you have been falling asleep, last night I hit the bottle, the doctor said that you are not in trouble, I will hit the bottle for another two days, no If you have any questions, you can be discharged."

"Brother, am I alive?"

"Fool, no, it's acute gastroenteritis, but it's my brother's fault. I made you eat more last night."

Zi Lingxi secretly spit out her tongue, she eats too much deliberately, not her brother's business.

But she still remembered how Huang Luoxiu held her last night.

She was really leaning on her brother's arms.

Zi Lingxi thinks now, her face is a little hot.

She felt that yesterday was her first close contact with her brother!

Before, she was never held by her brother.

She is still remembering that embrace, thinking about the feeling of being embraced by her brother.

Huang Luoxiu looked at Zi Lingxi with his head down, and did not know what she was thinking.

Huang Luoxiu asked softly: "Is the stomach still uncomfortable?"

Zi Lingxi shook his head, "No more pain, now there is no energy in the whole body."

She's all collapsed now.

Huang Luoxiu thought for a while and said, "You have acute gastroenteritis and can't eat anything else. I'll buy you some porridge."

Watching Huang Luoxiu turn around and leave the ward, Zi Lingxi raised it anxiously, and she instinctively reached out and grabbed Huang Luoxiu's sleeve.

Huang Luoxiu looked down at the hand on his sleeve, his expression softened.

I feel that Zi Lingxi at this time is just like a fragile little girl.

He patted Zi Lingxi's hair lightly, "Good boy, I'll be back in a while, right in the hospital cafeteria."

Hearing this, Zi Lingxi slowly loosened Huang Luoxiu's sleeve.

She was really nervous just now, for fear of not seeing him.

She didn't know what was wrong with her. She was cared about by Huang Luoxiu. She was hypocritical, as if she were a spoiled little girl.

After Huang Luoxiu walked out of the ward door, Zi Lingxi leaned on the bed, thinking about things.

She was thinking about last night to today.

She looked at the time, which means that she has been asleep from last night to now.

Her brother has been with her?

She had just seen the tired look in Huang Luoxiu's eyes. He had obviously not slept all night.

Zi Lingxi's heart was touched and warm.

She covered her heart with her hand, where it was really warm.

It made her feel that she was no longer alone, but also cared about by her brother.

He is bringing her warmth.

Thinking about it, Zi Lingxi remembered the phone and looked at it.

She knew that it was just a call from Cha Qingluo.

She responded to Cha Qinglu with a message, "Don't worry, I'm awake, it's all right now."

Not long after the message was sent, Huang Luoxiu came in with a bowl of porridge.

"Drink some porridge first and warm your stomach. Some things you can't eat in the last three days."

Huang Luoxiu knew that Zi Lingxi could eat very well, and if she was not allowed to eat those things, she did not know that she could bear it.

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