Luo Yanxiao was interested in these topics and things.

On weekdays he talked to his buddies, and they may not understand so deeply.

They may not be able to understand some profound knowledge.

But he found that Liu Ningning really understood a lot and knew a lot.

I can chat with him naturally.

His eyes brightened, and suddenly felt that Liu Ningning was not bored with him in this medical office.

Suddenly felt that his mind and things he was interested in could be understood by everyone.

He even has a feeling of finding a confidant.

Luo Yanxiao couldn't help but say a lot to Liu Ningning.

He didn't tell anyone about those ideas.

At this time, I don't know why, he naturally wanted to tell Liu Ningning.

When Liu Ningning lowered his head, his eyes brightened.

She has never said so much to a person.

Her eyes were very bright, especially with a slight smile at the corner of her mouth, which softened her breath.

There is a quiet and soft, comfortable feeling.

Indeed, Liu Ningning may not be the kind of person who astounded time, but it must be the one who warmed the years.

She has a warm and soft breath, which can let people relax involuntarily.

Liu Ningning also has a very happy feeling.

I have read so many books and learned so much knowledge that one day I can say it in this way.

She doesn't have any other specialty, she just likes to read books. She may read more books, and know more and more.

She is very grateful for the books she once read. In this way, she can talk to Luo Yanxiao now.

In order to talk to him.

When she was very quiet, she was really embarrassed and nervous.

This will speak, and she has become more natural.

But because it was very close to Luo Yanxiao, Liu Ningning could smell Luo Yanxiao's clean and elegant breath.

She thought the sweaty smell was the most on boys.

But I didn't expect that Luo Yanxiao was really clean and even smelled good.

She felt sitting next to Luo Yanxiao, she couldn't help but want to get close to him.

I don't know why, beside Luo Yanxiao, Liu Ningning is in a calm mood and has a very happy feeling.

And she seems to have forgotten the time and place and the pain in her body.

I forgot the fear of being hit by those girls before.

Talking and talking, her whole heart calmed down.

Hearing Luo Yanxiao's question, Liu Ningning lowered his head and said, "I read books."

She doesn't talk to people, and there is no place to play at home. People in other cities may have many toys, game consoles, computers...

She didn't have anything to play with, so she read.

During the holidays, after finishing her homework, she helped her parents to work in the field during the day, and she would read books quietly at night.

Every time she reads a book, she can forget all unhappiness and all tiredness, and the whole person is full of hope.

No one can understand her mood at that time, the book is her spiritual food.

Maybe people who lived well since childhood would not understand her heart, but she grew up reading like this.

Luo Yanxiao said with emotion: "Then you must be a group reader."

Luo Yanxiao said this sincerely, and when looking at Liu Ningning, his eyes were admired.

It is easy for people to appreciate women with poetry in their stomachs.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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