Huang Luoxiu looked at the night, his eyes were faint and contemplative.

Perhaps he could understand something faintly, so he even had time to flinch.

In the face of anything, he will not flinch, anything is in his hands, and there is no tricky thing.

He can easily handle anything, but he doesn't know how to treat Zi Lingxi.

He wanted to protect the girl he brought back, but suddenly realized today that she did not know when she had her own thoughts.

Huang Luoxiu was also in his twenties, had no daughter, and had no other women around him. He really didn't understand the girl's thoughts.

As for the two younger sisters, he was very worried.

The two younger sisters grew up next to their parents, so they went to college outside. It can be said that there is really nothing else to worry about.

He really doesn't understand the girl's thoughts.

Huang Luoxiu had a headache and raised his forehead, rubbing his eyebrows, feeling really a headache.

Finally, Huang Luoxiu had no choice but to sigh long.

Soon, his phone rang.

Huang Luoxiu glanced down, knowing that it was the information.

Huang Luoxiu picked up the computer, sat on the sofa again, and opened his private mailbox.

He glanced at the information of the girls, and the corner of his mouth evoked a cold arc.

With this background, want to bully?

Just want to bully other girls.

This bully is the roommate that Zi Lingxi is very close to!

He is very supportive of Zi Lingxi making friends.

And he looked at it. The girl was simple in mind and would not deceive Lingxi.

Tonight Zi Lingxi's mood is unstable, obviously because of this.

Huang Luoxiu called: "Take care, aren't these girls bullying? Let them never bully again."

"What does Young Master mean?"

"Old rules."


Certain subordinates naturally understand that the girls who bully others are a little tolerant, some of them are company starters, and they have a little relationship with political bureaucracy. The evidence of corruption is transferred out, plus the fraud of the company. There are still some things exposed by fake accounts, even if they want to bully people in the future, they will not be able to bully people.

A certain subordinate shook his head and offended anyone who was not good. He had to offend the people they mainly guarded.

Of course, he also knows that the person named Liu Ningning is not the one whom the young master protects. This girl should be related to the girl the young master protects?

He was getting more and more curious, and the young executives were all here.

Sure enough, it doesn't matter.

Although Huang Luoxiu was leaning on the sofa, as soon as he closed his eyes, he would think of Zi Lingxi's eyes and her red eyes.

Thinking of these, Huang Luoxiu's head hurt, and could not sleep at all.

He could only get back up and start working.

Perhaps this way, he can divert his attention.


Zi Lingxi had been suffering from acute gastroenteritis yesterday, and has not finished hanging the bottle. Although it seems to be good, the stomach is also very fragile.

Tonight she was so inattentive that she drank cold milk, and her stomach started to hurt again.

And the pain is not as painful as usual.

Zi Lingxi realized what she had turned pale.

She tried to rub her belly carefully, trying to get her belly well.

Because she was really afraid of Huang Luoxiu tossing with it.

She didn't know what happened. Before, she was in good health. How come this is so big? It's so easy to have a stomachache.

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