Zi Lingxi said: "It's also important for both sides to fight."

Cha Qingluo nodded, "Lingxi, you said, this time, how many people will Lin Senping find?"

Saying, Cha Qingluo was excited, her eyes brightened.

It's been a long time since I really moved my muscles and bones. This time Lin Senping bumped into her, just let her move her muscles and teach them these things. The provincial women bullied others and bullied other girls.

She is very good at fighting.

She and Zi Lingxi were really invincible players.

However, two people have a principle, never bullying others, and will not take the initiative to use force.

But if someone does not have long eyes, or bullies those around them, they will never be spared.

When they were in middle school, both of their classmates knew that they were extremely short-sighted.

At that time, everyone was scrambling to become two friends.

Zi Lingxi listened to Cha Qingluo's question and thought of Lin Senping, her mouth twitched a weird arc, "She will naturally use some of the family's relationships to find some people on the road to fight us. You didn't listen to her voice yesterday. Do you want to kill us?"

Cha Qingluo's expression also froze, "Then also have to see if she has this ability."

The two of them haven't moved their muscles for a long time, so this time, they are going to really fight.

At eight o'clock, when Cha Qingluo and Zi Lingxi came to the place designated by Hou Shanlin, Lin Senping was already standing there.

Lin Senping looked at the two of them with his hands together, as if they could breathe fire.

Yesterday these two people did to her, she will not forget.

She wished she could find someone to kill the two.

But she refrained, since it was the two people who took the initiative to fight, or in such a hidden place, even if she was killed, there should be nothing.

At that time, at least some money can be smoothed out.

Lin Senping looked at the two men, his eyes spitting fire and gritted his teeth and said: "Zi Lingxi, Cha Qingluo, you two sluts, dare to hit me, and today I will let you die."

Cha Qingluo sneered, "It depends on whether you have this skill."

Lin Senpingsen smiled coldly, and then said: "You really thought I would be alone."

With that said, Lin Senping said: "Come out! Kill the two and kill the two people, and there will be a lot of bonuses."

Lin Senping was so knowledgeable that she always felt that her Lin family could be rampant at will.

She knows that there are people she can't provoke.

As Lin Senping's words fell, a group of people came out of the forest, all holding iron bars.

Lin Senping originally wanted these people to have guns, but they could not hold guns without official documents from the country, and they could kill them with guns unless they died.

It's still easy to deal with handcuffs and wounds.

And it's very close to the school. Shooting will shock many people.

These people are mixed on the road, and their ability to fight is also very strong, otherwise they will not be invited by Lin Senping to fight.

This is the first time she has spent a lot of money on a lover fight.

With so many people in her, she does not believe that Cha Qingluo and Zi Lingxi can still live.

The corner of Lin Senping's mouth was dark with **** light.

She has been used to being bullied since she was a child. When she was in school, she said that bullying would bully anyone, and those classmates wouldn't have to stifle her.

After going to college, although she has converged a little, this is the first time she has been bullied. She has to be very angry.

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